Saturday, June 25, 2022

3g Albino Penis Envy trip report-UNR

So this was my first trip on shrooms, yesterday I asked about dosage of APEs and Albino Jedi MindFuck - a friend from work got me 7g of each.

We didn’t want a mild trip, but we also didn’t want full ego death, so we would stick with 2g of the APE, or 3g of AJMF

Me and my wife decided to go with the Jedi, as we read Penis Envy can be quite challenging. Guess what? I screwed up, mixed the packages and we ended up taking 3g of APEs.

It was around 12h40 pm, we cut the shrooms into smaller pieces and ate them plain, with some dark chocolate. I realized I had fucked up while I was eating the first bites, I saw the AJMF package closed and I was like “shit this is the wrong mushroom”. My wife laughed and said “let’s just go for it”.

12h50 - I was already feeling light headed, so was her. We put on some South Park on TV to wait for the come up.

13h20 - I started feeling nauseous, not unbearable but it was annoying. My wife put on some playlist on Spotify and we went to the bedroom, our pets came along. We were in bed petting our dogs and listening to music, nausea was getting better.

13h40 - the room was breathing on its own. I started seeing my ceiling spin, my wife said she was feeling weird and couldn’t describe how so.

14h - at this point I was already seeing shapes everywhere, and I had a feeling I was being pushed into a void. The room was getting darker.

14h20 - my wife was not well, she said she was feeling too nauseous, but didn’t want to vomit. I tried to comfort her, I got up to get her some water and nearly smashed my head on the wall. One of our cats came with me, then started vomiting hair balls and it was a really bad timing, the horror of the scene made me want to vomit, I started gagging uncontrollably, my wife yelled from our bedroom to check on me, I said “DON’T COME OVER, MITCHELL THREW UP”. Of course she came anyway, we ended up gagging together, nearly vomiting on the floors.

14h30 - after finally cleaning up the mess, we managed to get ourselves some water and got back to bed.

14h50 - I felt like Norman Reedus on Death Stranding. Something was pulling me down on a pitch black tar pool, I felt I was being sent into this darkness, I tried to stay calm but I started making gurgling noises, I couldn’t speak.

15h - my breathing was heavy, I looked panicked and I was seeing a hooded figure everywhere. Our dogs started to freak out, my wife got worried for them, and started trying to calm me down.

15h20 - after finally managing to calm myself, the dogs stopped freaking out and I played with them on the bed. I remember I never felt so connected to them, it was like I was able to communicate with them mentally - they are not well trained but for some reason I managed to make all of them sit, lay and jump with minimal effort. My wife was crying tears of joy watching us.

15h40 - so much colours, so many shapes. The hooded figure disappeared for good and at this point I had a sudden burst of energy, I wanted to dance, to laugh, to scream. I put on a happier playlist and just started to enjoy myself. The floor was pure rainbow, it was like crossing the bridge to Asgard.

16h - everything moved, the room changed colours according to what was on TV, it was amazing to watch. I was dancing uncontrollably.

16h20 - I couldn’t stop laughing, I went to the bathroom, and when I was washing my hands, I looked in the mirror and realized I’m actually a good looking guy, why couldn’t I see this when growing up? I took off my clothes and kept staring at myself, I was mesmerized by my own butt. I got a boner. I wanted to fuck myself - I started spinning in circles like a dog chasing his own tail. I was determined to have sex with my own self. I even took some lube and a condom, if I came inside myself I could get pregnant.

16h40 - when I finally gave up the idea of having sex with myself, the boner got away and I thought I would check on my wife. I went to our room and she was transformed into a potato. She was in fetal position staring at a point in the room, our dogs beside her. I laid down with her, we cuddled, the dogs slept.

17h - my wife fell asleep, and I was still going nuts. I decided to use her AirPods and go to our balcony to get some air.

17h10 - after finally being able to set up the AirPods on my phone, which was a gargantuan effort, I went to the balcony and decided to light up a joint. Worst idea ever.

17h30 - I finished the joint, then the void came back. Weather was good, I could see the sun, but I felt like it was raining, I laid down, couldn’t move. I started crying because I missed my father, I wanted to hug him so bad (we live in different countries)

17h50 - I tried to call my dad, but I couldn’t manage to dial or open WhatsApp to video call him, I gave up. I just kept listening to music and thinking about how the world is really just a bunch of atoms mashed up together. The hooded guy came back and kept staring at me. I remember thinking “fuck it, if I die, I die”

18h - I went back inside, I could feel the effects were starting to ease, but I was still getting visuals, the hooded guy followed me.

18h30 - my wife woke up, told me she had the worst dream, and was glad it was over. And I was still seeing stuff moving, but the hooded guy went away. My wife made me drink orange juice, which I thanked her for, this seemed to make things slow down, which was awesome. I felt good.

19h - we decided to barbecue, I spent the rest of the trip watching my wife grill and playing with our dogs in the balcony

Shit, that was intense, I tripped on acid before but this was a whole other level. I’ll definitely try it again, but I think I’ll go with tea for the next one, seeing my cat puke while being nauseous myself on the come up was not cool… and I have to keep myself away from mirrors, otherwise I’ll get caught in a loop lol Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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