Friday, April 12, 2019

Fuck Konami-UNR

Konami is perhaps the most well-known gaming company to have such a tremendous fall from grace, rivaling the fall of Maddox's cowardly ass. Imagine driving away your top talent TWICE over multiple console generations(read: Treasure), gaming luminaries such as Koji Igarashi, mastermind of the post-Symphony of the Night Castlevania titles, and Hideo Kojima, widely regarded as one of the greatest game creators of all time, in order to sell mobile and pachinko shovelware to satisfy investors. Now imagine having both creators utterly hand you your ass(read: Guillermo del Toro's Golden Globe acceptance speech) and losing all good faith from Western gamers. Sure, Kojima's Death Stranding isn't out yet, but with such talent as Del Toro, as well as Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen being integral to its development and Sony's funding, it would be harder to fuck it up any worse than PT. Speaking of, the cancellation of PT as well as the Creation of Metal Gear Survive are up there as gaming's greates fuck ups rivaled only by the creation of the Virtual Boy. With an upcoming Arcade Collection for modern consoles containing utter shit no one cares for and excluding any great titles they own such as Sunset Riders, it truly confuses me as to why they even still fucking exist. Consider as well how fucking degrading their work environment has become since Kojima's departure. Shit working conditions have given us possibly the worst titles in their long, storied history, contrasted with Igarashi's indy development team having considerable fun creating Bloodstained-Curse of the Moon, easily one of the greatest games I have enjoyed in my entire life. If you have any loyalty to Konami, just end it. Look at it as having loyalty to Maddox and his cowardly, spineless method of talking hard shit and being unable to back it up.

FUCKONAMI Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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