Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Upsides to hypervigilance-UNR


I've read many posts here expressing shame and embarrassment about how some of us jump/startle so easily. I used to be filled with shame myself whenever it happened and it happened a lot. It still does, but I no longer feel shame. (Lots of therapy was required to get me here!) It's just how I'm wired due to childhood abuse and neglect and I've made peace with it. Not only have I made peace with it, I've noticed upsides that make it a bit of a superpower.

The one upside I always go back to is the time I was nearly mugged. It's a long story, but the gist is that I was aware these two people were in my area (one in front and one behind) when I was completely blotto drunk and because I was aware of them I was able to escape. The one in front had a gun and followed us for half a block or so, but I kept crossing the street and tra-la-la got away. (I no longer drink, but a normal drunk person would never have noticed those dudes.)

The second is really very cool and can only be appreciated in a major city where lots of filming is done- Vancouver, NYC, LA, or my hometown Atlanta. My superpower? I see famous people. Everywhere. My husband and friends never notice, but they're plain as day to me. Stephen Moyer was a big thrill, but I've seen tons of others like Andrew Lincoln, Robert Downey, Jr., Norman Reedus. I hear them, too. Who is that voice? Oh, that's Jasmine Guy from A Different World sitting at the table next to us. That voice and headshape are familiar- oh, it's Adrian Belew (only famous if you're a middle-aged music nerd, but still.) It's fun.

I just wanted to share this different perspective because it's so easy to beat ourselves up about something that was inflicted upon us and we can't control. No more shame! I'm not broken because I jump at every surprise. Hypervigilance is my superpower!

https://ift.tt/2XSIHEb Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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