Monday, July 30, 2018

Just had an IDEA. TPP is the VR mission for the character we will play as in Death Stranding.-UNR

This is why TPP has so many unexplained things in it. Tech that shouldnt be around yet. Sally being far too advanced for the time period. Enemy soldiers teleporting into the levels when called as back up. Solid Snake had to Train in VR. Raiden Trained in VR before being able to start up MGS2. It would make sense that in the future and Special Ops soldier would have to take on a VR simulation of the greatest Soldier before he could be approved to start such an important mission. In Metal Gear Solid 2 Raiden has to go through VR training and has to hit a high enough score before he is able to acually get approved to do a live mission. What mission did he have to complete in VR before he could infiltrate the Big Shell? He had to complete a VR Mission of Shadow Moses. So far we have seen that DS is a lot like TPP in the sense that it is an open world and doesnt have a lot of stuff everywhere. It looks like it has some bases scattered around the map just like TPP did. I am not saying that your TPP score has anything to do with unlocking more to the game. Proper Disarment is the only thing that will unlock anything more. But I belive that TPP is a VR training program that will tie in to DS. It will be found out that Norman Reedus was in VR training during TPP in order for him to be able to take on his next mission. Deliving packages? Maybe this is just a cover that Norman has to assume to be able to infiltrate his objective. He has to go undercover to get to the source that is causing the death stranding. That ghosts we see in DS look like they could just be tech we are not familiar with. The strandings are just like the stranded mother base soldiers but with stealth camo. That big monster that is destroyed and puts Norman into another world... that could be a Metal Gear type tech in the year 2040 lets say.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -Arthur C Clarke Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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