Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Absolutely cannot decide!-UNR


My birthday is coming up and i feel like splurging on myself a little with a new game. I started with a large wishlist and have narrowed it down and am still stuck!

Alan Wake Remastered: Ive never played Alan Wake but the story seems fantastic and right up my alley. And considering it just got remastered it seems like a good time to try it out.

Until Dawn: Again, looks fantastic, but it's being remastered soon and i feel like i should wait for the remaster.

Life is Strange 1: I've played 2 and loved it, the story, the emotion, the immersion. And i have played the free episode 1 a few years back and loved it and would like to finish the story.

Cyberpunk 2077: im really leaning towards this one, though i have heard the story is fairly short and the side quests are repetitive. but i love the character creation aspect and the story seems really immersive.

Resident Evil 7: I played it when it came out and then traded it in, but my memory of it is foggy and wouldn't mind replaying for a refresh and nostalgia.

Resident Evil 3: Ive played the OG 4 and then 2 Remake, so it just makes sense i should play the 3rd, im not dying to play this one, but just something to add to my collection.

L.A. Noire: A bit of an oldie, i know, but i've played Mafia games and loved those stories, and i love Rockstars gameplay aspects. Not dying to play this one either but i think it would be a fun and cheap play!

Death Stranding: Honestly just for Norman Reedus! The trailer bored me to death and the reviews are awful. But im a big TWD fan and think it'd be pretty cool to play as Norman Reedus!

I know this was a lengthy post, but i wanna make sure I spend my money on something I won't regret soon after playing! Thank you for reading this and any answers I get!

EDIT: thought i should add that the games i enjoy are very story and narrative based, but the gameplay has to be immersive and easy to use/get used to. My favorite games are TLOU1&2, RDR1&2, Detroit: Become Human, GTA, Resident Evil, Silent Hill. And games im not to big on are, anything really fantasy, not a fan of Baulders Gate, GOW, Elden Ring, etc. Again, Thanks!

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