Thursday, June 6, 2024

If There Was a Rumor of a Possible Red Dead Redemption Series, who would you cast?-UNR

1) Roger Clark (Voice Actor of Arthur Morgan) as Arthur Morgan - Personally I find him to look a lot like his personal character, and with maybe a small weight transformation he would do perfect.

2) Norman Reedus as John Marston - Looks a lot like him, only concern would be matching John’s voice.

3) Dutch - Josh Brolin - I think Brolin looks just like him in some pictures

4) Tony Dalton as Reverend Swanson - Near lookalikes to me

5) Peter Bolmquist (voice actor) as Micah Bell - just makes sense to me

6) Curzon DoBell (voice actor) as Hosea Matthews - looks just like his character so it makes perfect sense

7) Alex McKenna (voice actor) as Sadie Adler - Looks enough like her and would make sense

8) Michael Greyeyes as Charles Smith - looks very alike to Charles

These were just some that I personally thought would be spot on. Of course I’m missing some crucial characters such as Josiah, Bill, Lenny, etc. But i’m sure they’re a lot of actors that could pull them off. Let me know your thoughts and your personal casts! Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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