Friday, May 31, 2024

I don't understand the hate that Andrea gets-UNR

For context, S3 was released in 2013, when I was 15.

At 26, you understand the world operates differently. Even without the zombie apocalypse.

Andrea was one of the best and memorable characters in the show. I know she lives longer in the comics but it's not fair to her character in the show, especially Laurie Holden.

I really thought she died S4 Ep8 as the mid-season cliffhanger, and yet she died S3 finale. Memory has not served me well.

Maybe time and experience has helped, or carried a lot, but any hate on Andrea is undeserved. Her character makes perfect sense.

Every character that wasn't obvious bait had some development worth interested in. I know Andrea lives longer in the comics, but she deserved longer in the show. A lot longer. From stroking her dead sister's hair and her putting down to questioning the Governor of all people.

I was asked recently which member of the walking dead would I meet and I said Norman Reedus. I say this because I am a Death Stranding fan. the second next would be Laurie Holden. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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