Tuesday, November 29, 2022

I'll need to block this subreddit after I post this, but I have to just say what I have in mind after touching the game for the first time.-UNR


Ever since the game got announced, it caught my attention. The hands working on it, the cast, the presentation, it all got me interested.

However due to pricing and my affordability (Mainly because of PS4) I thought I would never try it.

Along the road, without spoiling myself (fortunately), I have seen so much opinions about the game and none of them were good, which did not help at all.

Yesterday I ended up seeing a very affordable discount for PC and even then I resisted, thinking that with how graphicly intense it seemed on the promotional material years ago, my PC might not even run it good enough, that maybe evrything would be slowed down and make my PC struggle.

I felt something in my gut and I just gave in, thinking that either way, the amount I'm paying is not too little but still the loss is minor.

I just spent one hour in the game, and I just couldn't stop having these weird goosebumps. The cutscenes had some small loss in smoothness but it was not all the time, and when I played it, the game ran on a decent speed, and it just made me realize how good must it be optimized for my PC to play it with little to no issue.

The scenery was fantastic.

The music was lovely and so well placed. I loved how it played while I was walking and the idea of showing the name of the song and artists was very much appreciated, we need more of this.

The worldbuilding, although handled a bit weirdly due to how much exposition people dump on you, still got me hooked, wanting people to just keep talking.

The threat and its impact felt very impressive and dreadful at the same time, and the visuals for it? Brilliant. I could not be drooling more about these rainbow events.

One aspect I remember a lot of people criticizing the game were repeating a lot was that the gameplay was bad, and granted, I barely played and the little I played could not reflect on whatever opinion I have as the most I did was move on foot and did not even reach a combat situation, but so far, it was not bad at all.

The balance mechanic, one a lot of people complained about, felt natural, and like it brought something new to the gaming environment. Yes, it can be stressful to fall, but the game gives you the tools to prevent it, and the controls for it were pretty easy to manage. I liked it, and if its something I can attribute to the identity to the game, I can pretty much call it being part of its uniqueness.

I never liked The Walking Dead, so Norman Reedus was never an attractive factor to the game, I even disliked his TWD character, because it looked like a token attractive cool guy that was there to have the boys wanting to be him, and the girls drooling over him. And although his display of acting and dialogue in this still need time for me to form an objective opinion, it did not feel bad, I felt his delivery could have been expressed in better ways, however, maybe how he expresses himself lies completely on his character and emotional mind, and I'm hoping his way of communicating evolves over time.

The cinematic approach of the cutscenes and certain "on rails" parts felt so well done, the sound design is great, and this is just another piece that proves how Videogames can very well be experienced as an art form and how you can also play a Videogame not to play but to experience.

And I get it, gameplay is a fundamental part of videogames and people always expect smooth, fast paced, action packed movements, and even if I do not get to experience that in this game, its overall experience already won me over but I still have hopes for the game to keep surprising me.

And this is all coming from someone that very much craves that high speed adrenaline action in videogames, hell, first person shooters are always my first choice in how I enjoy a game.

I played, spent lots of time in and loved so much games of that nature. Doom 2016 and Eternal, Destiny, Call of Duty ( And yes, I enjoyed Advanced Warfare and Black ops 3 a lot due to movement ), Unreal Tournament, Quake 3, Dying Light Overwatch, Apex Legends, I'll add Fortnite too even if its third person, etc etc.

Also non first person games like Devil May Cry, Dark Souls 1 & 3 (Didn't like 2), Bloodborne, Hades, and I could name a lot more but my point is, action and adrenaline are my thing, and even though I'm not that good of a gamer, they are what I enjoy the most.

But I also enjoy movies a lot, series, short films, and if they have a good story and/or presentation, I drool all over them, and this game just clicks with me in so many ways.

Unfortunately I will need to keep the game on hold for the time being, and it is a shame, because it got me hooked in so many senses, and I want to see more of this in the industry. I know lots of us crave the action, and maybe the game having a lot of travel time could have been a difficult decision, but I find disheartening how can people attribute this game to the industry's downfall when the blatant examples of that are somewhere else.

Anyway, that was just me trying to vent, and to show a small perspective that can maybe give you all some insight that maybe you are not alone in liking this game ( Assumming this subreddit is full of fans and not of haters ).

Hopefully I can direct some time to play it even more and eventually come to this subreddit to share more of my appreciation.

Stay well everyone.

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