Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Theory about the second trailer with Mads & Guillermo-UNR

Hi guys, here's something I've been thinking recently...

A lot of people on this sub have noted that as it stands, the second trailer seems to stand apart from the rest in some strange ways. Obviously enough, the very first trailer was more of a conceptual thing, intended to show off Norman Reedus and some key visuals while keeping the actual game shrouded in mystery. It's not a scene from the game. The third, fourth and now fifth trailers are all apparently comprised of scenes from the actual game, and are all very consistent with one another. In all trailers, we see Sam transporting objects and corpses through desolate landscapes while being hunted by "Chiral" beings.

But then there's the second trailer. Instead of Sam, we have Guillermo's character. He's carrying a baby pod, but no boxes or corpses and he doesn't seem to have any gear protecting him from the rain. Instead of invisible Chiral beings, we have skeletal WWII soldiers, airplanes and tanks with weird fleshy bits, apparently all controlled by Mads. Compared to the trailers we've gotten since, this one clearly stands out, and a lot of people have crafted various theories about how it might all fit together using time travel, or souls from the past being resurrected or such.

My theory is a bit simpler than any of those, maybe a bit disappointing to some if true... But basically I believe that the second trailer is just as "conceptual" as the first, and meant as a sort of metaphorical instead of literal representation of Death Stranding. It will not appear in the final game. We have Guillermo representing the player character, entering dangerous territory while carrying precious goods. He's being hunted by the undead, represented by skeletal WWII soldiers. These elements communicate the ideas and themes of DS without literally showing them. So basically, I don't believe there will be any skeletal soldiers in the final product, they were just a metaphorical tease for the Chiral beings which weren't revealed at the time. Mads' final character design will probably look different in the final game. The difference in equipment between him and the WWII soldiers might imply that Mads (Or his entire faction) will possess more advanced technology which allows him to control the Chiral beings, like Golden Mask does in the latest trailer.

Anyway, that's what I think... What about you guys :P Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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