Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Fourth Wall Breaking Theory.-UNR

Note that this theory was originnaly made by redit user @The_Aiden19 and followed by YongYea's video (

I thought about this. It was the first time I was seeing about that subject and I wanted to add to it. First more than '' just beeing handcuffed to a controller ', there is also an umbilical cord as well! When the controller we use needs to be recharged, we connect it through the USB port. Not only are we controlling the character, we are also connected to the console itself / the story.

And now I need to backtrack a bit here. Remember when Norman Reedus told Kojima '' So they'll play as me ? '' Then Kojima proceeded to answer by saying '' No..! They'll be YOU ''

So we control Norman Reedus through and through... we are handcuffed to the controller, which is wired by an umbilical cord (USB) and what we do, Sam does on screen. What best way to break the fourth wall then to make Sam ''react to what we're doing'' live AND dynamically ?

Maybe not as far as Deadpool would do...But, here and there, maybe Sam could say something about how good or how poor we're playing? Just enough of a hint for us to understand that Sam knows of our existence.

Don't forget, this is just a theory here. I'm not saying that this'll happen for sure but still, it could be fun!

Have a nice day! Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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