Sunday, March 26, 2023

My Theory for how the Rick/Michonne character reunions will all work out-UNR

Currently, the plan for the Rick & Michonne spinoff is for it to only be one season, six episodes. FOr obvious reasons, this has led to concern amongst the fanbase, concern that reunions with characters like Daryl, Judith, etc won't be able to happen in that short a time. However, I think it will, so here's my theory for how it will all go down.

The show will have six episodes, so episode one is gonna start with Michonne, right where we left off in TWD 10x13, we'll learn the motives of the caravan army (likely that they're marching towards the Civic Republic from Portland). Michonne will somehow learn that Rick might be there, and so she joins them. Episode two will be Rick-centric, and take place over the course of the roughly eight years that he's been missing. It'll involve his repeated escape attempted for the first ~four years, his last attempt when he threw the the boots and phone onto the boat, and then him going cold and emotionless for the next four years, that episode will then end with him learning that there's a lot of human activity at the edges of the city. Episode three, Michonne and the caravan army are descending on the CR, churning through the thousands upon thousands of walkers surrounding it. All while Rick and the CRM are getting ready to fight them off. The invasion begins, and the two fight their opposition until suddenly they see each other. Rick switches sides instantly, but Michonne and her people are rapidly loosing, and so they retreat. Episode four focuses on the search for the defector (Rick), episode five involves more fighting, and then, Daryl arrives.

In the finale, Daryl said to Carol "its not like we're never gonna see each other again", additionally, his actor Norman Reedus has described the France plot as a "mission" saying he won't be there forever and that Carol could join the spinoff eventually. So my theory is that he goes to France, spends season one of Raise the Dead in France and then finding his way back in the finale, where on his way back home he finds a bottle washed up, (the one Rick threw in 11x24), which explains his predicament, and so he goes to Philadelphia to find him. Eventually he does, and now its episode five, he explains that the group's now moved to the Commonwealth, which is much bigger and more militarily capable than Alexandria was, but also that the CRM spans several continents (seeing that they kidnapped him and took him to France), and as a result, the war isn't winnable now. And so, they head back, and in episode six (the finale), the reunions happen.

At this moment, all the characters are still there, so it works. Maggie and Negan haven't left for NYC yet (because Dead City takes place "two or three years after the finale"). Which means Rick can meet the reformed Negan and see his change, a key part of his redemption. In the Fear S8 trailer, we see Morgan standing near a Kings County sign, which is Morgan's home county, meaning he goes back to Georgia. Currently though, he's in Texas, and since there's nothing we know of in Georgia that could be useful to the group, this means Morgan's likely headed back to Alexandria. And so, for plot convenience, Morgan gets to Alexandria sometime before Rick, Michonne, and Daryl. This means we also get a Rick and Morgan reunion. And of course, Judith and RJ are there too, so that, probably the most important reunion happens too. Boom done, or wait no not done.

Michonne and her caravan never beat the big bad that is the CRM, and Daryl was recently just captured by them, this means that the next few years of TWDU are gonna be building up to a worldwide CRM v Commonwealth conflict, perhaps culminating in a Walking Dead movie. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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