Monday, April 4, 2022

unpopular opinion : loona and sally may are overrated and...just kidding, i actually got REAL unpopular opinion, so, take your torsh, start to run toward my house and lets start this mess-UNR clicked...well...Guess im screwd... anyway lets do this people

First of all...this show is great, yes, but its not a great musical.. let me explain:

To me, they are too many forgettable song to me:, some song are great, like for example with "you will be ok", "moxxie bad trip" and "house of asmodeus", but all the other song are at best alright, or at worst dreadfull: "imp jingle" is catchy, but its just kinda there, "the homework song" is annoying, worthless and terrible...AND IF THE COMPANY ALLOWED IT, I WOULD STRAIGHTLY KILLED IT MYSELF ! Anyway, i have nothing to say about "my world is burning down around me", "loo loo land" is honestly pretty good, even tho its more due to beetlejuice performance and the hazbin Hotel knockoff, "spring break" is just so forgettable to me, despite christina vee performance, "the cherub" is the worst version of the imp jingle and its not even catchy here, the opera song is pretty unic, but rly forgettable and "sweet victory" is also saved by the meme and norman reedus (APPARENTLY HE CAN SING). Again, this is all my taste, and i can see why people loved all of those song...but, for me, not enough song are good enough to make this show a great musical overall: the pilot of hazbin Hotel have the same amount of great song that the entire show so far, for fuck sake...wait...I FORGOR OUR KING MUSTANG DONG ! OMG IM ASHAMED NOW, I FORGOR THE KING, HELLUVA BOSS IS NOW THD BEST MUSICAL EVER MADE, SCREW YOU, THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME, HAMILTON AND THE LORAX, YOU CAN SUCK MY CO...

anyway, next unpopular opinion : the emotional scene in ep 3 suck ass:

Its probably not that unpopular, but i never heard that much complain about it: dont get me wrong, this episode was hilarious (except the moxxie rape scene), the fish scene was great, verosika was introduced and MOXXIE BECAME CANONICALLY A POSSUM DAMN!!! But, the emotional scene here, to me, is worst than the one in ep2, because at least this scene felt real and was really emotional...but here, this scene got a lame jock, who just served to ruined fanfiction...ok nevermind thats the best line of the show, but also, this scene, in general just felt forced and unatural, and rly im not sure why i felt that way, but i did. The last thing i could just add here is that i hate of the song try to force a emotion, but just completely failed, because this one also felt unatural in this scène...and you know what, i think this word sumed up my feeling about this scene : unatural, i got something rly unpopular here: ep 5 is overrated : let me explain, im just freaking conflict about it: in one hand, the action scene and all the scene that striker share with blitzø are great, and this episode is funny as shit, and we got one of the best trans representation ever made but in the other hand, the moxxie plot is unecessary and could have been replaced easely by a millie one, wackford as no business to be here, some part of the animation are oddly lagging for some reason and most importantly, two of my least favorite scene of this show are present here: first of all...the first scène... because last time we saw stolas, he was conforting octavia about his relationship with blitzø and almost seemed ready to broke up with him just to reassure her...BUT NEXT TIME WE SEE HIM, HE IS DOING IS ALL "LOL, SEX FUNNI" WITHOUT MENTIONNING WHAT HAPPENED IN EP 2! Like, seriously, i would have been ok if he stayed with blitzø, but acknoledge what happened in loo loo land, but here, stolas is just too much out of character here, and it doesnt help that this scene was already unfunny and was just here to exposed the, least favorite scene of the show for me...i also dont like the ending. Yes, i love the striker part and it was hilarious, but i hate the fact that something this huge for the plot than stella hiring a hitman to kill stolas was treating like a jock...i get how stolas and octavia havent heard anything, but still

Anyway, i finished, im sry for my terrible english and terrible opinion, feel free to hate me byyyyyyyye Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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