Monday, April 25, 2022

A nagging question regarding death and voidouts [very light spoilers]-UNR

Something has been bothering me for quite awhile after starting DS. We know early on that Sam is a repatriate, whom is someone that is unable to die permanently when killed. So he can fall to his death, get shot, bleed himself dry, blow up, and most importantly get caught, and even sometimes cause, a voidout, before waking up completely unharmed. Now Sam early on is being seen getting caught in said voidout and being killed, before being brought back to life from the seam by guiding his soul to his body, which he then is revived. However two things confuse me heavily after the fact, which follows to every subsequent time Sam dies to a voidout: How is BB still alive?

Whenever Sam gets caught and a voidout happens, any cargo he was carrying will be heavily damaged from it, yet BB is completely unharmed from the explosion. Now, one may excuse it off that BB is simply also a repatriate, which might be likely due to BB's having a strong connection to the beach, so they might also possess special powers aside from seeing BT's.

However, how is Sam's equipment also completely unharmed? I.E. his Odradek, cargo rack, and even his Porter jumpsuit, in edition to BB's pod (astronaut included), Fragile's band, the Q-Pid, any and all cosmetic items, and Amelie's dreamcatcher? I mean aside from not having to see Norman Reedus' ass and the legal drama that comes with it, is there a lore explanation to how everything (aside from cargo) survives an anti-matter ghost explosion? Is his otter hood and robot arm-flower-thing also repatriates? Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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