Friday, June 28, 2024

The Bikeriders, from a biker's perspective-UNR

So a group of friends and I got together last night and went and saw The Bikeriders. Let me start of by saying that it was way better than I expected, and was not told in a style I had anticipated. How to describe the plot? It's basically a story about a motorcycle club in the mid-to-late 1960s told from the perspective of the wife of one of the main members. And this style really worked.

Jodie Comer, who plays Kathy, the wife of what I guess we can call the main protagonist, Benny, plays her part masterfully. She really did a great job, and really nailed the Midwest accent. Her character was thoughtful and complex, and you really wouldn't believe she's British in real life. Same for Tom Hardy, who I think stole the show. He really was amazing, and plays a really deep, complicated character who does well to balance tough yet caring. I'm really glad he opted to not do the stereotypical motorcycle club leader role. And Austin Butler, who plays Benny, to round out the top 3, was also great. I got a very early Johnny Depp vibe from him, and thought he did very well to bring his character some depth and almost an air of nihilism. The supporting cast was all really good, and Michael Shannon deserves a nod for how well he did. I also almost didn't recognize Norman Reedus when he first showed up.

The direction and pacing were really good, and the fact that it's based on a true story, really makes the tale compelling and a pleasure to watch. The story does jump around a bit, due to it being told in the style of a series of interviews, but it does well to not get confusing. I saw a spoiler-free review prior to seeing the film, and was already warned to not expect it to be about the motorcycles, but was more a story about people, who happen to enjoy motorcycles. As a motorcycle enthusiast myself, and belonging to a motorcycle organization (not a club), this fact was perfectly well done in my eyes, and I really did enjoy it. The sets were amazing, everything felt like it was period accurate, and there was a lot of immersion in the world the filmmakers built. The motorcycles looked great, and the action was very well done. There's a fair share of all of the emotions, evenly spread throughout the film.

Overall, a really well-made, well-acted film, and so far one of the best I've seen in 2024. There's really nothing to compare it to, and that's what I enjoyed most about it. It is it's own film, told in its own unique way, with a style and organization that really keeps things moving very well. It's a great story, and despite being almost two hours in length, it doesn't feel like it. I can safely say, having not been to the theater much recently, I left satisfied. Like a really good meal, I left not overly stuffed, or wanting more, it was just enough. I can definitely recommend this film, even if you're not a biker. I would rate this a 9/10. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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