Friday, December 4, 2020

Silent Hill doesn't need an famous actor as protagonist-UNR

I remember how a lot of people where excited when it was revealed that Norman Reedus will be the protagonist. He is really a great actor but I think that Silent Hill wouldn't have needed that because of the titles made by team silent and especially SH2

Team Silence once stated that the wanted normal people and non actors to voice and act for the Characters in SH. Because that gives them a normal and grounded Role and I think the definitely hit the nail with it. Most of the Characters in their titles felt like real people and that added such a lot to the atmosphere.

I also did not need you to remember how unfitting the new voices in the HD Collection where? Because in comparison with the old voices you noticed that there are real actors behind the characters.

This should not be an hate post to Norman Reedus, but I think if we (ever) got an new title, they should again just hire normal people with no acting experience to give the title an grounded feel like once the master pieces of Team Silent did.

your thoughts? Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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