Saturday, February 9, 2019

Death Stranding Lore Theory.-UNR

Bridges Lore:

  • Time in the world of Death Stranding is fractured and works extremely strange.
    • Many parts of the world differ in time zones. In the second trailer, there are military personnel and artillery and machinery from the 1900s. Sam's clothing and machinery looks pretty modern with all of the warning tags, and stickers on it, which is very similar to that of modern electrical machines, while the woman in the fourth trailer is wearing black gear which is very futuristic, while also having a really funky looking umbrella. The guy with the golden mask's machinery also looks more advanced than Norman Reedus's and the other Bridges people.
  • Furthermore, the rain apparently speeds up time as well. Causing rapid ageing to those who are exposed to it, and causing plants to grow and die simultaneously.
  • So why was Bridges founded in the first place? Well, it is to connect all of the time-fucked zones together through parcels! At least this is what I think.

The Enemies of Death Stranding:

  • I think the enemies of Death Stranding represent the stereotypical "player" of modern games. Think about it. Kojima emphasized about the stick and the rope, in which the stick, throughout human history, was used to battle, destroy, and create, while the rope was used to connect humanity together. Kojima said alluded that in most games the stick is emphasized more, while Death Stranding would focus on the rope aspect of the game, in which players are connected.
  • The player, Sam, is trying to connect the worlds together. While the enemies are trying to separate it. Which explains:
    • Why both the Golden Mask and Mads Mikkelsen use gear from varying time zones.
    • Why they are antagonistic to Bridges Personnel.
  • The enemies clearly represent the "stick" player, the stereotypical modern player because:
    • Mads can teleport his helmet on and off as if he had an inventory system.
    • Mads can control skeleton soldiers as if they were some sort of NPC.
    • Golden Mask dude "tweaks the rules" by spawning monsters much like using cheats. He probably also summoned the huge hand demon in the third player too.
    • Golden Mask dude teleports away, also similar to warping in and out of a game.
    • Mads and Golden Mask dude being portrayed has being soldier-like, in both gameplay and concept artwork, similar to first-person shooters which are wide in popularity.
    • Both characters look kind of badass, similar to how most players want to look badass in a video game.
  • So what do the enemies want?
    • As aforementioned I think they want the world to be separated so that they can continue to be badasses in the world, and not focus on connecting different worlds, only keeping them separated. The world itself acts like a video game. There are lore-excuses for life and death, and respawning too, and the like.

This might be a stupid ass theory but it really got me thinking. I remember hearing that Kojima was trying to revolutionize the way games work with Death Stranding. And the game does seem to have some sort of self-awareness, like the PS4 controller lights representing the health bar of the player by the similar light in the cuffs of their wrists. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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