Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Is it absurd to say that this is my game of the decade?-UNR


Seriously, the uniqueness of the gameplay and the items you receive is nothing like I've experienced before. Plus playing as Norman freaking Reedus. Keep on keeping on!

https://ift.tt/2tlzFEQ Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

New years-UNR


Welcome to sans Norman Reedus, we shall be doing more in the new year. Like making a sans and Norman Reedus body pillow. Thank you see you next year 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

https://ift.tt/2MHwsWX Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

i hope mr heppe sees this-UNR


i think he would be a fan of sans norman reedus :)

https://ift.tt/39qcn1g Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

[Episode 6] [spoiler] Thoughts, Praise, and criticism.-UNR


First off let me just say that Kojima is a genius. Who in their right mind would make a game that is based almost entirely on the most boring aspect of gaming?? That being traveling from place A to B, sometimes through point C. And that's exactly what this game is. But it's not boring. Not at all. It's actually really fun and difficult to plan the routes and analyze what you need to get there and how much you can take different deliveries to deliver on the way there. And try to remember if there's orders you can take down the road that doesn't divert you from your path too much.

That being said this might be the grindiest game ever made. So I do understand the criticism some people have that it's boring, so in a way I don't really get what Kojima said that people don't understand the genius of the game and that "Americans with ADHD" don't like it because it's slow paced... I don't think that's fair. But that's just the old guy in Kojima speaking, and should be ignored.

Now I've only played Kojima's previous game MGSV: Phantom Pain and loved that. I loved the playability and how it performed on standard PS4. And same goes for this. This thing runs great. I haven't noticed any major framerate drops like in RDR2, HZD and especially Days Gone... The playability is great... Except for combat. Why on Earth would you shove all equipment under one button? Switching between weapons and grenades quickly is a pain since it's sprinkled between ladders, blood bags PCCs and Norman Reedus' penis (well done Kojima). They are color coded but I can't remember what was a bola gun and what was what and the menu is also blurry... Really this slow menu should be accompanied with total time stop...

About the plot. So far it's keeping me interested. Only come across one twist that doesn't really have the effect it maybe should. When BB is going through maintenance by Deadman in episodes 6 Sam seems to be missing him and talks to him. And also now calls him Lou... But their relationship really didn't develop to the point that I'd be emotionally invested in it. And really didn't know that Sam has such fond feelings of him. Also I didn't know he called him Lou.. If there was more dialogue from Sam. Like he would tell stories about his life and all that on their travels. Kojima made Venom Snake talk less so that he wouldn't have much of a personality so that the character would take the personality of the player more.. but that kind of stonefaced personality doesn't really work for Sam as well because this is a guy trying to connect the world and I'd think more social personality would benefit his journey. But that's just me..

But yeah... So far I'm in love with this game and I want it never to end. I actually have no idea what part of the game I'm at. I think I'm about 50 hours in... The online aspect is a great idea. It's fun to see other players stuff around the world... It makes you feel like you're not alone...

Can't really tell is this art like Kojima described it, because a lot of the mechanics and all those little things like the menus and sound effects when going to vehicles, slomo bits collecting stuff and doing CQC feel very familiar to MGSV... So is recycling old ideas in the definition of ground breaking art? It's not really a complaint. I have conflicted feelings about it, since I like the familiarity of it all, but seeing something familiar in a game that was supposed to be something totally new is kinda... Well. We'll see when I get to the end of this all.

PLEASE try not to spoil anything from this point forward. I'm right now doing those missions I don't have Lou with me...

PS. I think with "Die-Hardman" Kojima out Kojimad himself.

https://ift.tt/2QdSVNu Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Hideo Kojima, Lindsay Wagner and Norman Reedus at The Game Awards-UNR

https://ift.tt/2tgOQ2a https://ift.tt/2tgOQ2a https://ift.tt/2F8Eowk Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

If this post gets 69 upvotes, then YuB has to add Norman Reedus to Tomodachi Life.-UNR

https://ift.tt/2QwPiRN https://ift.tt/2QwPiRN https://ift.tt/37nAegd Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Tactical Nexus - Humongous puzzle RPG based on resource management-UNR



Tactical Nexus is a game inspired by Tower of the Sorcerer. The game controls similarly to an RPG: your character has HP, ATK, and DEF, and you walk around fighting enemies to gain items and level up. The reason it's more of a puzzle game than an RPG is because there are a finite number of enemies to fight and items to pick up in every tower, and if you want to reach the top of the tower with a high score, or at all, you need to be very careful about what order you fight those enemies and pick up those items.

You might recognize these mechanics from Desktop Dungeons, but it's a little different from that. Desktop Dungeons is based on short, randomly-generated play sessions. Tactical Nexus consists of several hand-crafted towers with several floors each, and each tower takes hours to get through. Tactical Nexus also doesn't experiment with different character classes like Desktop Dungeons does, but it does introduce new twists to fundamental gameplay concepts in nearly every tower, so you can arguably make a comparison in that sense.

You might also recognize these mechanics from DROD RPG: Tendry's Tale. I'll be honest, I think the main DROD series is great, but I never made it very far in Tendry's Tale because I didn't think it was very good. I don't think the DROD mechanics of "hiding" things from the player (like breakable walls or clever movement tricks) meshes very well with the mechanics of Tower of the Sorcerer, which is based more heavily on resource management, where it's very important that you know what all of your options are and can see all of them in front of you. There's still some tricks you have to figure out in Tactical Nexus, but it's much better about being transparent with what it's asking you to do, and usually you don't have to walk very far to see what your options are in the next room over. (I don't mean to be hard on Tendry's Tale if you enjoy it, I'm just making the point that you might like Tactical Nexus even if you didn't like Tendry's Tale, as is the case with me.)

Like Tendry's Tale, though, Tactical Nexus does encourage you to spend hours learning the full layout of the tower and replaying it to make your run as efficient as possible. Each tower gives you a score at the end based on your level, HP, ATK, and DEF. If your score is high enough, you can earn a medal, with ranks ranging from bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond to, uh... "beyond". But these medals are for more than just bragging rights--once you've earned one, you can use that medal to buy certain powerups at the beginning of any tower, with better medals getting you better goods. As you can imagine, you can use those medals to make your score go even higher, to earn even better medals to earn better powerups, and then the process just keeps repeating itself. There's still an incentive to complete a tower without using medals (to get Sunstones, another medal-like resource), but in the end, what this all means is you end up playing each tower several times over, with different priorities each time.

Here's the Steam page for the game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1141290/Tactical_Nexus/The developers also have a free demo on their site, though it's weird that they're not offering it through Steam itself.

Full disclosure: The pricing scheme for Tactical Nexus is weird, and going by the response I've seen in the discussion forums, it's the most confusing and controversial point surrounding the game. Currently, the base game is $9 USD. Originally, the game released at $60 despite not starring Norman Reedus, and the developers plan to bring it back up to that price point eventually, a few dollars at a time as new expansions are released for it. Even though the price increases coincide with new content being released for it, the higher prices do not include the new content; the new content will still be priced separately from the base game. Getting all the DLC will cost over $300 if you get them at their cheapest, and over $700 if you don't. I'm well aware that this looks completely insane. I'm also pretty sure I'm going to get all the DLC anyway.

Double full disclosure: This is my first post on Reddit. It's been a long time since I've done anything on any forums, and I've never joined anything just for the sake of advertising something before, but I'm making an exception for this because:

  1. I think I'm one of maybe three people playing this game outside of Japan.
  2. Since the game did nothing to make itself stand out among the dozen other Steam games that came out the same week, no one's going to buy it unless someone like me starts making recommendations.
  3. Due to the pricing scheme the developers have planned for the game, if it's ever going to start selling, it needs to start happening right now.
  4. I love this game, and I want it to be successful so that the developers keep making more of it.

I know the price seems excessive. However, know that I've already spent about 90 hours optimizing just the first three towers with no medals, and there are 12 towers total in the base game, eventually 60 towers with all DLC. If you like resource management games, I genuinely think the base game is worth buying just to try it out, even if you never get any of the DLC, even if you buy the base game at $60--but if you're going to get the game, you should get it now, while it's still cheap.

That said, though I want to help this game to reach its audience, I'm not here to push the game on anyone who wouldn't enjoy it. I want people to play games that are special to them, and I recognize that this is a title designed for a niche audience, so it's not going to be special to most people--but it will be VERY special for that small audience. So I'm here to answer any questions you might have to help you decide if the game's right for you. Like I said, I've spent over 90 hours with the game, so I'm fairly familiar with its ins and outs (though not as much as I could be. It's a huge game).

https://ift.tt/35bTYBS Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Hideo Kojima And Yoji Shinkawa Break Down A Key Death Stranding Scene | Audio Logs-UNR


Title: Hideo Kojima And Yoji Shinkawa Break Down A Key Death Stranding Scene | Audio Logs

Description: How do you encapsulate the Death Stranding experience in one cutscene? Legendary game developers Hideo Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa walk us through an early scene from the game, and discuss what inspired them when designing Norman Reedus's character, Sam Porter Bridges, the unlikely origins of BTs, and what they hope fans will take away from the game.

YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/1sMNtH21-JU

https://ift.tt/35b6i5j Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus and a Shiba!-UNR

https://ift.tt/2ZxmLQ8 https://ift.tt/2ZxmLQ8 https://ift.tt/2teJSCY Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

‘Ride with Norman Reedus’ Renewed for Season 5 at AMC-UNR

https://ift.tt/36a4H16 https://ift.tt/39mXXPB https://ift.tt/2EYfnE2 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus and a Corgi-UNR

https://ift.tt/354aZ0Q https://ift.tt/354aZ0Q https://ift.tt/2Q5JBvq Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Was trying to explain to a friend why we call the game "Norman Reedus and his Amazing Fetus" and BB decided to prank them-UNR

https://ift.tt/2Q6g5FN https://ift.tt/2SwSWxE https://ift.tt/2Q8s6KZ Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus could shoot me with a crossbow O.o-UNR

https://ift.tt/2Q3tq1p https://ift.tt/2Q3tq1p https://ift.tt/2SzTqn0 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

My DCEU Phase 2 Cast-UNR

  • Batman/Bruce Wayne - Robert Pattinson
  • Superman/Clark Kent RECAST - Matt Bomer
  • Wonder Woman/Diana Prince - Jamie Alexander
  • The Flash/Barry Allen - Andrew Garfield
  • Aquaman/Arthur Curry - Jason Momoa
  • Victor Stone - Damon Wayans Jr.
  • John Stewart - Trevante Rhodes
  • J'onn J'onzz - Idris Elba
  • Maxwell Lord - James Franco
  • Hal Jordan - Tom Cruise
  • Sinestro - Luke Evans
  • Atroticus - Daniel Craig
  • William Hand - Norman Reedus
  • Alfred Pennyworth - J.K Simmons
  • Jim Gordon - Matthew McConaughey
  • Robin/Dick Grayson - David Mazouz
  • The Joker - James Mcavoy
  • Bane - Thor Bjornsson
  • Roman Sionis/Black Mask - Brad Pitt
  • Deathstroke - Ron Pearlman
  • The Riddler - David Tennant
  • Waylon Jones - John David Washington
  • Lex Luthor - Bryan Cranston
  • Lois Lane - Emily Blunt
  • Jimmy Olsen - Cameron Monaghan
  • King Orm - Colin Farrel
  • Mera - Jessica Chastain
  • Black Manta/David Hyde - Colman Domingo
  • Jay Garrick - Anson Mount
  • Iris West - Holland Roden
  • The Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne - Kevin Bacon
  • The Shade - Walton Goggins
  • Wally West - Ansel Elgort
  • Alan Scott - Armie Hamer
  • Doctor Poison - Ashley Scott
  • Barbara Minerva - Sienna Miller
  • Darkseid - Kevin Grevioux
https://ift.tt/2MuLEGQ Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Fuckin' Norman Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2t3GRW6 https://ift.tt/2t3GRW6 https://ift.tt/2t2ReJO Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

get in here if you have any information regarding the whereabouts of norman reedus booty ass-UNR

https://ift.tt/2Qnjb7d https://ift.tt/2Zm64Y3 https://ift.tt/2rsUj5z Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Death stranding is a great game so far but can we all agree how SHITTY the one mission in chapter 3 is-UNR


Yes, the chiral artist mission. Pointless subplot, why is the animation quality SO GOOD FOR THESE RANDOM ASS CHATACTERS and the writing and acting I'd horrendous, coupled by Norman Reedus not having any lines for this, and at the end is a cheesy thumbs up. This is beyond peak kojima. I was laughing it was that bad. And not in a good way.

Rest of the games good but wtf was that. (Only on chapter 3, no spoilers past that please)

https://ift.tt/2Sq8OCb Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Jeffrey Dean Morgan & Norman Reedus Met Tom Cruise At #ConanCon - CONAN on TBS-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wehB3M4Vx_Q https://ift.tt/2SnKh0x Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Played Death Stranding for the first time-UNR


Full disclosure: I like Kojima games and I’ll take story over gameplay almost any day. Proof? I played through the Uncharted games. Anyone who says the “gameplay” there is more fun than surgery on a grape can go fuck themselves. But the story and voice acting is a great ride. Love it.

But I digress. I kept making the same “Norman Reedus carries a fetus” joke to the point where it wasn’t even funny to me anymore. And I love jokes about fetuses. Living ones. Dead baby jokes are cheap shock humour that just doesn’t get me.

And I digress again. I promise I’ll get to the point eventually. I have a habit of rambling on. It’s kind of my thing. Some people stutter, some people drift off, but me? I talk in circles until I can think of a way out. I’ve always done it, but I think my whole ptsd thing worsened it. Kinda worsened everything. But that’s a story for another day.

Back to the point. Death Stranding has a normal Kojima story with normal Kojima mechanics. Which means it’s convoluted as fuck and everything is way more tedious thank it should be. It’s quite literally a walking simulator. And I really like it. I dunno. I fully get why a lot of people don’t like it, but I just happen to enjoy it. Granted, I’m only 5 hours in, 3 of which were cutscenes. I’m sure it’ll get old soon if they don’t add anything new.

So yeah. Neat thing. Give it a shot if you’ve got cash to blow and a sale. 8/10, more fun than surgery on a grape.

https://ift.tt/3722FA8 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

$40 for Death stranding ?-UNR


I’ve never played a Kojima game or any type of genre like it , I’m really intrigued by Norman Reedus as the main character , I play typical games like Battlefield , Cod , god of war , Spider-Man , etc , is it boring ?

https://ift.tt/2tMJQ5M Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Just saw this movie and now obsessed with Norman Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2rlb9TJ https://ift.tt/372tyE3 https://ift.tt/2PQ32Ip Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Merle’s role-UNR


Everyone knows about how Norman Reedus originally auditioned for the role of Merle but they liked his performance so much they made Daryl for Norman. Does this mean Merle was originally supposed to have a bigger role? Did the writers intend to have Merle go down similar path like Daryl? Slowly becoming a valued member of the group as he grows to care about certain people. I think it would’ve been cool. I think that’s what Darabont originally intended.

https://ift.tt/35S9PXs Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus yeeting a fetus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2PP6yCL https://ift.tt/2PP6yCL https://ift.tt/2MnZ6ML Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

САМЫЙ БОЛЬШОЙ БОСС ➲ Death Stranding Прохождение #38-UNR


Всем привет! Смотрите прохождение игры Хидео Кодзимы Death Stranding с Норманом Ридусом в главной роли. Заходите на youtube канал, всех жду)

#DeathStranding #DeathStrandingGameplay #DeathStrandingBoss #DeathStrandingБосс #Gaming #HideoKojima #NormanReedus

https://ift.tt/2EK1nxN Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Fucking ad placement-UNR


Only just started playing so maybe it gets worse. I was semi ok with Sam drinking Monster, but to see an ad for Norman Reedus' AMC show on the shower door as Norman Reedus' is inside having a shit is beyond belief.

Have I really just paid £50 to see product placements?!

https://ift.tt/34LLn8W Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Just finished the game. Holy fuck.-UNR


The whole journey was so fucking good.

The music. The landscape. The tension. The characters.

This is my first Kojima game and he's without a doubt a mastermind. He created a cool and perplexed universe with its own lore that I gladly got lost in it. From the start walking down the cliff with "Don't be so serious" playing, to the unexpected gameplay mechanic at the end of the game, it's been one hell of a ride with Norman Reedus. (Pun intended)

I really wish if any of you dropped the game without finishing it because of boredom, please try to do so.

It's been a great run, see you in out there.

Keep on keeping on, Porters.

https://ift.tt/34JVCKP Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Friday, December 20, 2019

New P.T. video shows the streets of Silent Hill being fully explored-UNR


Hi everyone! I hope you think this is kinda interesting, I edited P.T. to make it so the player gets warped to the silent hill map that we saw Norman Reedus walking along in the ending cinematic and made a video where I explore it, so I thought you might like to come take a look? Its here: https://youtu.be/DHLPRrPXaPo

It took me like a year to get the "floating" patch working that was needed so hopefully someone thinks this is cool lol

https://ift.tt/34JIuFD Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

FF7 Remake to other platforms.-UNR


What do you guys think of the possibility of the Remake getting ported to PC and other platforms? I saw that Death Stranding or "Norman Reedus and the Funky Fetus" is coming to Steam and thought of all the money Square can make if they did that.

https://ift.tt/2sJz13P Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Really want this game but kids are expensive lol-UNR


I'm a huge norman reedus fan and sadly with Christmas coming up and bills i can't even afford the discount version of the game maybe one day.. but i want to ask reddit is there lot of action in the game? (I've been dodging everything i can from the game so i don't spoil it for myself now curiosity is getting the best of me) also how big is the map?

https://ift.tt/2ZbibqL Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Death Stranding: Review — Weird Open-world adventure-UNR


Death Stranding is an open-world videogame released exclusively for the PS4. Set in the United States after a strange cataclysmic event, you play Sam Porter a tough supply courier who’s tasked with delivering cargo to remote outposts. In fact, he’s more like a mule who carries everything on his back. But, it’s his special abilities that set him apart from everyone else.

The first thing that strikes you about Death Stranding is its beautiful landscapes and meticulously rendered characters. The rugged mountain terrains and Militaristic cities are beautifully realized by Hideo Kojima with a strong emphasis on interactive gameplay such as whether Sam prefers to pee sitting or standing — yes, there’s a gameplay option for it.

Death Stranding is created with Decima a Proprietary game engine capable of 4k resolutions. It also has built in-game physics and AI which create stunning graphics that are clearly on display in Death Stranding. There’s no framerate drop or stuttering in this game and it really does feel like your in an interactive movie. Unfortunately, it falls short when you get into the story aspect.

Sam’s long lost sister Amelie, has been captured by militants called the Homo-demons while on an expedition trying to connect all the remote settlements. She’s sent Sam a holographic communiqué to ask him for help, and after some persuasion he does. The narrative is full of lengthy — flag-waving dialogue about the betterment of humanity, and there’s also some shameless product placement as cans of “Monster” energy drink can be used as Sam’s go-to sugar boost.

Norman Reedus (Sam Porter) pretty much plays the same part as Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead, an emotionally damaged loner with a secret heart of gold. However, in Death Stranding, he has to help save America — cue The Star-Spangled Banner. After reams of exposition which bluntly hammer home every metaphor and plenty of acronyms thrown in to confuse you, off he sets to help his sister.

Death Stranding-ly weird

With all the advanced technology and weird shit that’s going on in Death Stranding, you can’t help but wonder why Sam’s still walking over mountains to deliver stuff. In Capital Knot City, there are tons of unused vehicles in parking bays but there’s never an option to use them. Instead, he has to wander miles to deliver cargo before he can pick up a Trike. Yet even on normal difficulty he seldom drops dead from exhaustion.

Sam’s special gift is he’s a “Repatriate.” which basically means he can’t die, instead he returns to the “Seam” which is an underwater world where he rejuvenates Ta-da! The only problem is when he’s killed or eaten by a “BT” it causes an explosion which wipes out large areas and anyone in the vicinity is killed — Are you still with me?

There’s soooo much walking in this videogame with nothing else except the landscape to look at. In fact, you feel like you’re on a walking vacation until you come across MULE’s which are rogue porters that steal Sam’s cargo. These guys can be fought off but sometimes Sam has to recover cargo by infiltrating a MULE settlement.

One of Sams main tasks is to reconnect different areas to the Chiral Network which is like trying to get decent broadband in the Outer Hebrides. He has to wander from one location to another recovering lost cargo and trying to keep out of the rain known as “Timefall” which damages his cargo and armor and produces weird alien entities.

The controls are affected by the load he carries and can make Sam sway, trip or fall. However, If he happens to be wading through deep water he can float on his back like an inflatable dingy which is quite amusing. Yes, he’s like Inspector Gadget with floatation aids built into his suit — “Go go gadget Dingy.”

The inventory menu feels needlessly complicated to navigate with controller buttons mapped to several different functions which take some getting used to, especially when Sam wants to build a post box or a bridge with the 3D printer. However, as the game continues you become used to the counter-intuitive nature of this game.

One frustrating thing about Death Stranding is when Sam drops valuable cargo he has to retrieve it to complete the order which becomes very tedious after a while when you have to hike back over terrain. There’s no denying the technical skill and attention that went into developing Death Standing but the gameplay feels sporadic and disjointed with a surprisingly weak narrative once you strip back all the technobabble.


Kojima has created a post-apocalyptic world with a plot that certainly has none of the normal tropes associated with this genre. The “Timefall” feels like a hindrance most of the time washing you away in an oily-like river but ultimately delivering you to where you want to go. There’s plenty of deep dialogue that feels like filler and repeatedly drums home the same metaphors about how we all have to work together for a better future. The only enjoyable thing about delivering all the Cargo is the beautiful scenery but the annoyingly optimistic recipients make you want to throw the cargo at them.

https://ift.tt/2sQptE0 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

My celebrity SD-UNR


So Norman Reedus and I went to the movies, just friends hanging out. I couldn’t really stay into the movie, we shared a blanket over the reclining leather seats. When it was all over we got up, he stood in front of me and kissed me. It was so passionate. We were dating after that, he would steal kisses while I did the day to day stuff. Pure happiness. Then I woke up :(((( I’m crushed, it felt SO real. Do you have a celebrity you would want to be your SD/SB?

https://ift.tt/2SbB7nM Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Don't know if this is allowed but just binge watched Ride with Norman Reedus. This guy is the most likeable person ever . Great show too-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J No text found https://ift.tt/2sMjErd Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

New Dino Crisis Trademark Registered, P.T Hack Shows Norman Reedus & More | Survival Gaming News-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/h-PKJH58SH4 https://ift.tt/2S1tUqm Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

New Dino Crisis Trademark Registered, P.T Hack Shows Norman Reedus & More | Survival Gaming News-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/h-PKJH58SH4 https://ift.tt/2PYPKbj Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

New Dino Crisis Trademark Registered, P.T Hack Shows Norman Reedus & More | Survival Gaming News-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/h-PKJH58SH4 https://ift.tt/2r4DLR2 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

New Dino Crisis Trademark Registered, P.T Hack Shows Norman Reedus & More | Survival Gaming News-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/h-PKJH58SH4 https://ift.tt/2MaGT58 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

New Dino Crisis Trademark Registered, P.T Hack Shows Norman Reedus & More | Survival Gaming News-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/h-PKJH58SH4 https://ift.tt/2S1qjsm Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

New Dino Crisis Trademark Registered, P.T Hack Shows Norman Reedus & More | Survival Gaming News-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/h-PKJH58SH4 https://ift.tt/34vywHH Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

New Dino Crisis Trademark Registered, P.T Hack Shows Norman Reedus & More | Survival Gaming News-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/h-PKJH58SH4 https://ift.tt/2SgSyDF Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

New Dino Crisis Trademark Registered, P.T Hack Shows Norman Reedus & More | Survival Gaming News-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/h-PKJH58SH4 https://ift.tt/2r4Rlnt Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

New Dino Crisis Trademark Registered, P.T Hack Shows Norman Reedus & More | Survival Gaming News-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/h-PKJH58SH4 https://ift.tt/2M9WXUL Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

New Dino Crisis Trademark Registered, P.T Hack Shows Norman Reedus & More | Survival Gaming News-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/h-PKJH58SH4 https://ift.tt/38RhffE Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

New Dino Crisis Trademark Registered, P.T Hack Shows Norman Reedus & More | Survival Gaming News-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/h-PKJH58SH4 https://ift.tt/35CsQwT Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Norman Reedus looks like the love child of Benicio Del Toro and Andy Serkis.-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J No text found https://ift.tt/2M2AnNS Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus looks like he smells of gasoline and never showers but STILL.-UNR

https://ift.tt/2S1Dhq8 https://ift.tt/2S1Dhq8 https://ift.tt/2PSKfLk Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Death Stranding - Thinking to purchase it.. Honest Thoughts ?-UNR


I am thinking to purchase this game as I am a massive Kojima 'fan boy'. I can get it for $15 in 4 installments. Although, I have heard mixed reviews of this game. I know it involves a lot of WALKING. But I am interested to know how the general feel is of the game, in the sense of how is the environment, soundtrack and characters ? If i wanted a fast pace action gameplay I would play Call of Duty Modern Warfare

I am a big fan of Mads Mikkelsen (Hannibal) and Norman Reedus (The Walking Dead)

I have some games to play in the mean time

  • Final Fantasy XV - as well as the DLCS
  • Days Gone
  • Uncharted The Lost Legacy (Loved Uncharted 4)
  • Ni No Kuni 2
https://ift.tt/38N6afq Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

*2014 Confirmed* Jack wants to be Norman Reedus !!-UNR

https://ift.tt/35ttvRs https://ift.tt/35ttvRs https://ift.tt/35r7gvi Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

this is the oldest anarchy server on reddit-UNR


this is officially an anarchy server now and you can do whatever you want but the purpose mainly is to post sans norman reedus content

https://ift.tt/36KITsD Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

[OC] Norman Reedus and the JoJo fetus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2suVm52 https://ift.tt/2suVm52 https://ift.tt/2r19pis Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus and the JoJo fetus [OC]-UNR

https://ift.tt/2RTp8Lz https://ift.tt/2RTp8Lz https://ift.tt/2YRtgNm Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

I finished Death Stranding (no spoilers)-UNR


First of all, I'm sorry if some sentence are incorrect. I'm French !

So, I finished the game yesterday. It was amazing. This game is amazing. Kojima and all the members of his crew are amazing.this is probably the most beautiful game I have ever played in my entire life. The acting is so good, Mads Mikkelsen and Norman Reedus are perfect in their roles

The story is so well written. Everything comes together with the end and I'm glad I bought this game. Now I want every edition of the game and a pod with BB

This game is a masterpiece, that bonds people together. I love how everything is well done. It's exactly the kind of game I love. Every little part of it is what I'm looking for.

Once again, thanks Kojima and his production.

Now the hard part starts as I want to platinium the game, but he totally deserves my time.

https://ift.tt/2PpljvO Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Camera Hack Confirms Norman Reedus is Your Character in ‘P.T.’-UNR

https://ift.tt/2YStELH https://ift.tt/2Eln0nA https://ift.tt/2PTM4aZ Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2RWpAIR https://ift.tt/2RWpAIR https://ift.tt/2r1ymKI Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Death Stranding - Norman Reedus VS BTS || Screwing Around-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS5V8VRF2Nc https://ift.tt/2EhYd42 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Death Stranding - Norman Reedus VS BTS || Screwing Around-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS5V8VRF2Nc https://ift.tt/2RY8aeW Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Death Stranding question-UNR


Okay so it’s on sale this week and I have next week off.

I really like action games, I love Dark Souls and games like it. I like shooters but they aren’t my favorites.

I know what this game is about, I know it’s more stealth than action.

What I’m asking is an opinion from someone who isn’t a Kojima fanboy/girl. I need an honest opinion and I need to know if I’m going to get pissed off and want to rage because I drop a package and fail a mission at the last second or something.

Notes: I love a good story but I don’t want to feel like the game is dragging. I also like Norman Reedus and I do enjoy playing critically claimed games.

I think that’s it. Thanks!

https://ift.tt/2qTTvWX Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Sans Norman Reedus-UNR


Sans & Norman Reedus are my dad's and they deserve all your respect. Norman Reedus ate banana bread for breakfast this morning and then went to the gym. Sans stayed at home today to play with his spaghetti creations. Both are very loving parents. Hope you all have a a good day!

https://ift.tt/2PqknY9 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

on signed cards from Topps and other companies-UNR


Hello fellow collectors, Why does it feel like say..a Norman Reedus autograph is considerably cheaper if its from a signed card company..rather than an 8X10 photo? I have noticed that inserted autos into card packs from companies like Topps don't typically go as high as say a photo or poster. Is there something with cards that makes the auto process different? what do you guys think?

https://ift.tt/35qBgY6 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

sansnormanreedus has been created-UNR


sans norman reedus undertale death stranding

https://ift.tt/2LWVxNf Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

sans norman reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2tdkSvV https://ift.tt/2tdkSvV https://ift.tt/38IV7no Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

i fucking hate mr ford-UNR


mr ford is cringe i hate him he’s like norman reedus but less attractive and cringe and has short hair sans and norman reedus could beat him in a fight he doesn’t even teach he is cringe and i failed the circular motion test probably mr ford is bad and i hate him and cringe

https://ift.tt/2POFnXn Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Completed my 50th trip tonight on a bicycle.-UNR


I've been working dinner hours in a college city for a few weeks now (2 or 3 nights a week).

My best night I averaged $20 an hour, my worst night I averaged just over 10 an hour. Overall, my hourly rate is about $16-17 an hour averaged over all 50 orders.


- The market in my area for ubereats is way better than I anticipated. I get 1.8x boosts (5-9pm) thursday-saturday and usually around 1.5x during other days of the week.

- I've never had an issue with too much downtime. I usually chain orders for 3-4 hours with very few breaks.

- People are often surprised to see me on a bike. I sometimes get compliments and/or pity (I've ridden in cold af weather and in rain).

- I'm getting super strong quads and calves. It also tends to be a decent mood booster.


- I've had to spend a decent amount of money so far on winter clothing. 20 degree weather isn't that bad if you're outside for a few minutes, but when you're outside for 3 hours it starts to bite. My balls felt like scooped ice-cream when I got home some days.

- It's brutal sometimes. My area has a lot of hills, especially on campus. 1 mile uphill is a completely different world compared to 1 mile downhill.

- Car drivers. I've had a few close calls, but I'm learning to ride defensively.

Things I learned:

- I can and I should cherry pick my orders. Now that uber shows the drop off destination before you accept, this has become much easier. Shorter orders are typically better on a bicycle. Anything that takes me 3 miles away from the busy areas is not worth it. 3 miles can be tiring, plus it implies a 3 mile trip just to get back to the main area. My best success has been when I do back to back orders 1-2 miles around the area where most of the businesses are. A bicycle shines where parking is difficult, and I find I get more tips when I do short trips in the downtown area.

- A good backpack is super important. The one I use is HUGE. I've never had to turn down an order based on its components. I've delivered all kinds of drinks, pizzas, and big orders. On one of my first nights, I had a drink spill. Afterward, I started using my free doordash bag and a small stack of drink carriers to fill up empty space in my bag. This has prevented things like soups and drinks from moving around too much and I've never had issues with spills since. If you're curious what bag I use, here's an amazon link https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T99HNM1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It's big to the point of being obnoxious and kind of expensive, but very worth it. I feel like Norman Reedus.

-Double orders are a risk. I've had great experiences and terrible experiences with them. I once chose to do a double order with Popeyes. IT was 3 miles from my usual area, so already kind of a risk, but the guarantee was nice. I ended up waiting 35 minutes at the store because they were insanely busy. Each of the two orders had me go an additional 2.5 miles. The whole ordeal took about 1 and a half hours and I only made 13 dollars with no tips. When double orders are in my area, however, they can be nice. The issue is they never tell you the drop off location for the second order. My best experience was delivering two orders to two customers who were in the exact same location, which was a huge score.

I'm curious to know what my fellow bike couriers are making. Also I've heard of people doing crazy long shifts on bicycles (8-10 hours).How do you do that without an electric bike? I'm usually exhausted after the 4 hours mark.

Thanks for reading, peace.

https://ift.tt/2YOLsY1 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

This ride is so cool...-UNR


It should be on Ride with Norman Reedus !

https://ift.tt/36BzOCI Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Friday, December 13, 2019

P.T. Camera Hack Shows You Play As Norman Reedus - IGN-UNR

https://ift.tt/35nOVzi https://ift.tt/2PGhRfq https://ift.tt/2EheZA6 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

I just realized something-UNR


before norman reedus was in death stranding he was originally gonna be the in the next silent hill (PT). In that game, if you went in to the bathroom, you would find a fetus in the sink. So, does he just have a thing for fetuses?

https://ift.tt/35kh5eC Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Two photos I took in high school (roughly 11 years ago): Norman Reedus getting into werewolf makeup for an independent short film "Clown"-UNR

https://ift.tt/2RKMqDj https://ift.tt/2EbEeUF https://ift.tt/2rMcX8q Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Episode 6 has all kinds of cast crossovers from SOA, GoT/ HP. I'm wondering who would the people from this sub like to see in Season 2.-UNR


The more random your pick is the better. Didn't watched walking dead in a while but I think it would be cool to have Norman Reedus just pooping up in one episode with a crossbow lol.

https://ift.tt/34fFPDu Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Hideo Kojima, Lindsay Wagner and Norman Reedus at The Game Awards-UNR

https://ift.tt/2PfLiWz https://ift.tt/2PfLiWz https://ift.tt/2taa2Xv Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Darryl Dixon [TWD, TV] is just great.-UNR


I don't see many positive rants on here, so I thought I'd try one.

I've been catching up on The Walking Dead lately and pretty much every time I watch this series I'm taken with how cool Darryl is. It's like every time he's on screen all I can think is "Yeah, Darryl!" He's BY FAR the most likeable character in the series, in my opinion.

I love watching him take on enemies when the odds are against him. He's so scrappy and skilled! Whether he's got his crossbow or dual-wielding hunting knives, Darryl is freaking B.A.

I also like the growth we've seen him go through: from redneck douchebag to redneck hero. The man cares for his friends and family and sticks to his guns!

Norman Reedus does a spectacular job portraying my favorite TWD character and I'm excited to see more of the series.

That's my little rant.

https://ift.tt/2EfAstn Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

At E3 we had Jon Bernthal (Shane), and today at game awards we had Norman Reedus (Daryl). I am so lucky that I got to watch both live.-UNR

https://ift.tt/36rdmMc https://ift.tt/36rdmMc https://ift.tt/2PithqH Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

it's norman reedus and his ________ fetus!-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J No text found https://ift.tt/2srM4Xl Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Find you a man/woman who looks at you the way Norman Reedus looks at Kojima-UNR

https://ift.tt/36wzipu https://ift.tt/36wzipu https://ift.tt/2LQVenb Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Modder finds out that you were playing as Norman Reedus from the start in P.T Demo (with camera modding trick, you can see Reedus’ pasty reflection in the dank mirror.)-UNR

https://ift.tt/2LNz3hM https://twitter.com/manfightdragon/status/1205075820022128640?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1205075820022128640&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg247.com%2F2019%2F12%2F12%2Fp-t-secrets-death-strandings-norman-reedus%2F https://ift.tt/35dsL2C Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus will be a co-host at The Game Awards 2019-UNR

https://ift.tt/34aXNqA https://ift.tt/36vF2zS https://ift.tt/2PhTEgr Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus will be a co-host at The Game Awards 2019-UNR

https://ift.tt/34aXNqA https://ift.tt/36vF2zS https://ift.tt/2tcXtLg Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Dreams, Oracles, Omens, and Memories that are Similarities... DOOMS: the mental affliction; from a psychology student's perspective. TOMMIE EARL JENKINS APPROVED! *Sharing a Zodiac means having a Bridge Link confirmed* [SPOILERS]-UNR


I asked Tommie Earl Jenkins on Instagram if he ever had, or believed in, lucid dreams like "near death" or out-of-body experiences (Norman Reedus had one following a traumatic car accident)

All he said was "No, not really 😉"

"I completely respect that, thanks a bunch for actually answering that lol. Btw, would experiencing insert my DOOMS acronym here make you feel crazy?" I DID NOT WANT YES AS A RESPONSE...

If he said "yes", "no" or even "kinda 😉" I would've been dead wrong in applying what I've learned to what I saw... He didn't answer... but he acknowledged the message...

Why did I ask him that? So I could confirm (as a psych student) that Tommie Earl Jenkins AND Die-Hardman KNOW what DOOMS symptoms are... but DON'T BELIEVE IN and HAVE NOT experienced them (the Beach) Die Hardman doesn't have DOOMS remember?

That means, that DOOMS are things SOME people CAN experience in real life! It depends on who you talk to! 😉

That's why I asked Tommie if the symptoms would make him feel crazy... Does he know OF the experiences I mentioned! Yes! Has he had them? No? Does Hardman know of the experiences? Yes! Does HARDMAN have DOOMS tho? Nope! Does Die-Hardman have a beach? Nope! He couldn't tell me no though, it would've been TOO easy..

That CONFIRMS that DOOMS are an experience that someone has to BELIEVE IN to experience... That brings me to you... Do your dreams seem real? 🤔

"No one wants a president that thinks they're immortal" - Sam to Die-Hardman. That's why he has no beach! (No lucid dreams) Kojima basically called trump an ignorant ass president lol 🤫


  • DREAMS: RANDOM cognitive mental images created by your brain when experiencing REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep, where brainwave frequencies spike multiple times a night, as if you were eyes open, awake and aware <- SUPER IMPORTANT, cause you weren't ever awake...

Why is it that Sam freezes in time, it is seen opening his eyes (just waking up) after every dream and repatriation? The psychology student in me thinks that his brain is self inducing REM Sleep when repatriating, to protect Sam's body from moving before (or as) Sam dies! My evidence takes place during Rem sleep, a temporary paralysis occurs known as REMatonia.This immobilization protects the body, preventing the sleeper from acting out physically in response to dreams. Time has no meaning in your dreams, like the Beach, that's why Sam freezes in time. Wether you will forget your dreams or remember them when waking up is based on how deep you're into your sleep (how real the dream was) vs how fast your woken up.

We can determined by analyzing your brainwave frequency levels while you sleep, exactly how "deep" into REM Sleep you are, explaining the realism beging your dreams Those frequency levels (DOOMS LEVELS) are measured in Hz.

  • ORACLE: Usually an old wise man or a goddess Dream Oracles are essentially dream guides. They are an activist for change inviting you to live beyond limiting beliefs and celebrate the wholeness of your authentic self. In respect to a dream, an oracle can also be a divine pronouncement (OMEN) and therefore suggests hidden knowledge of future events. Prediction and foretelling both work on the assumption that the person concerned has received knowledge prior to the event i.e Amelie ("goddess" - Kojima 🙄) The "need to know" sensation received from oracles is very strong, and the current assumption is that a dream oracle is an actual person who has more information than we do. Sam waking up after supercells occur was again, his body just protecting himself itself, more evidence of Cliff being another oracle of Sam's DOOMS.

"They told me your name was Sam Porter" - Cliff

  • OMENS: In these dreams, the oracle will often offer you advice or deliver an omen; a sign of what WILL happen in the future. Omens can be either good or bad though, there are plenty of positive omens if you look closely.

"The nightmares that haunt us? The visions of an inniscapable future? Sound Familiar?!" - Higgs

UHHHH, Not really.....? 99% of Sam's dreams were always of him being stranded on the Bea....... 😳

His dreamcatcher... HIGGS DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT!

If Amelie didn't give him it that thing catch his nightmares, they would've become eventually felt more real than his reality, AS A KID.... Not even "GameOver" man, no "game" at all...

  • MEMORIES: When a dream seems so real that you swear you were there and that it was. Yet somehow, for some reason called "our reality" its deemed scientifically impossible, therefore it's not acknowledged as real. Lucy's Report even starts with her believing Sam's dreams with Amelie being stranded the Beach are just that... false fabrications... Until she experiences a DOOM herself. That feeling over and over can definitely make someone feel... enlightened...or aware... of something no one else is aware of... Keep that in mind moving forward.

Remember, seeing is believing, even if its a dream! What started DOOMS? An NDE (Near Death Experience) during surgery and started having RECURRING dreams of being stranded on the beach.. Bridget was literally DOOMS Patient ZERO, that's why she became an EE, the first human EE at least...

  • SIMILARITIES: "Strands", your birthday (Zodiac) connections; insert cryptic Kojima term


Shared (false) Memories of an Oracle and an Omen while Dreaming; The ability to maintain and induce REM Sleep (Rapid Eve Movement, "Dream Sleep") brainwave frequency level, making you able to mentally/physically switch between reality and "lucid dream" existance; constantly unacknowledgement of a "lucid" reality can lead to sucidal tendencies and feeling alone...

Sam's severe aphenphosmphobia is a type of social anxiety disorder, which Lucy's Report states "might stem from his DOOMS" along with his lonely childhood and upbringing. Cases of phobias like Sam's stemming from ones childhood are seen throughout modern psychology. In some cases, phobias can stem from a patients preexisting mental disorder.

So, ask yourself.. What do all the DOOMS sufferers we know (Higgs, Sam, Heartman etc.) have in common?

They're are "aware" of the "Beach" being a separate existance IN THEIR HEADS. The fact that each "Beach" (dream) is different led me to realize this...


Dreaming in reality is random, we all do it differently, while some of us don't experience dreams as vividly as others. This reminds me of Bridge Links having no friends option... our dreams (structures) are randomly intergrated. That's when I realized that your dreams can be interpreted based on your Zodiac sign (your birthday, unchoosable to you, random for everyone) those who share your Zodiac sign appear in your "Bridge Links" which connect us.

Merry birthmas, lol. 🧠

Some people see nothing when Sam's asleep, dreaming of the Beach, while some see different types of sea life on their beach in Sam's memories. The Zodiac you're born under (whale, crab etc.) is stranded on YOUR Beach... meaning some players DO have higher DOOMS levels than others, the players that let Sam rest more than often... letting him dream more!!

Bridge Links connect those who share "Beaches" (dreams) by grouping people on Beaches (dreams) and are bound their by their constellation. You may find players with your constellation below! Check it out! https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathStranding/comments/e94qky/some_people_have_sea_life_on_their_beach_when/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Levels of brain frequency during REM Sleep (during dreams) The higher the level, the more REAL the dream will FEEL, and the deeper the sleep you're in. In Death Stranding's case, it's your Level of frequency, and your sensory awarness while in a dream.

  • OVER 40 Hz (Extinction Entity; "Amelie's DOOMS numbers are off the charts")

Gamma waves

Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, and consciousness.

  • 13–39 Hz (Higgs evolved? "He's much more powerful now" - Fragile)

Beta waves

Active, busy thinking, active processing , active concentration, arousal, and cognition.

  • 7–13 Hz (Higgs originally "That's a level 7 for you, higher maybe" - Fragile)

Alpha waves

Calm and relaxed, yet alert state

  • 4–7 Hz (Fragile?)

Theta waves

Deep meditation/relaxation, REM sleep (dreaming starts here)

LESS THAN 4 Hz (Sam... his dream catcher is keeping him from experiencing negative DOOMS, Not us though, because we all dream differently!)

~ Delta waves

Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness (his dreams on the beach)

DOOMS Soved! Did you see the "strand"?

The place Sam exists in his recurring dreams, his personal afterlife, is being stranded on the "Beach" , the nightmare, of a DOOMS sufferer like Heartman....

"I find the thought terrifying, spending eternity alone" - Heartman


"So what if everyone's afterlife is different too?"

For DOOMS sufferers THAT ARE NOT SAM, thier nightmares (Amelies dreams), are viewed from Sams beach, his personal "dream" of afterlife...

The inescapable future Higgs mentioned, the 6th Extinction? ITS IN Lucy's Report, the 6th Extinction is the nightmare of a DOOMS sufferer..

NORMAL DOOMS sufferers who's nightmares are "visions of an inescapable future" are ON THE BEACH with Amelie in SAM'S DREAM... but thanks to him finally forging bonds with others, he is "still connected" to the living world OUTSIDE of his dream (his Beach) and is found by his friends, trying to picture Sam's Beach.

So.. why is it that if Sam/Higgs die on The Beach they will go to the afterlife? Isn't being stranded alone on the Beach Sam's "afterlife"? Drumroll

You ever hear something like...if you die in your dreams, you die for real? Well.. what if your dreams hypothetically could dream, and they die in theirs, what happens to you..?

"One of us dies here.. it's straight to the "other side." I can finally put an end to this rinse and repeat bullshit once and for all" - Higgs to Sam

It was ALL a recurring dream (about an explosion) inside a recurring dream which always ends in his unborn dying... Until we came into the picture.

Norman's dream starts while telling a BEDTIME STORY (the next explosion poem) and right away the game (dream) TELLS US not to be so serious... It ends with the post-credits scene of Norman Reedus' timefall spot-less hand WAKING UP in our reality. He fell asleep telling the story of a recurring dream, a loop with no end, to his SECOND child (his now 1 year old daughter)

Be stranded with love......again... AGAIN! It didn't always say AGAIN... 😐

He got a second chance at fatherhood unexpectedly, and I'm sure he's learned from his mistakes... CONGRATS NORMAN!!! 👶

Btw.. he hasn't publicly revealed her name, or her exact date of birth. All the media knows is she was born last November 🤐....

Let me just be the FIRST to say publicly online, that Louise sure would be a BEAUTIFUL NAME for a baby girl, right guys!?


https://ift.tt/2PHxy5J Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

If Death Stranding wins any awards tonight, Norman Reedus should fall over on on the way to collecting the award.-UNR


That is all.

https://ift.tt/34ecsBi Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

[No Spoiler] TWD star Norman Reedus shares photo of his partner Diane Kruger and their daughter-UNR

https://ift.tt/2LR5NXA https://ift.tt/2YMWqNJ https://ift.tt/2LNw0WG Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Modder finds out that you were playing as Norman Reedus from the start in P.T Demo (with camera modding trick, you can see Reedus’ pasty reflection in the dank mirror.)-UNR

https://ift.tt/2LNz3hM https://twitter.com/manfightdragon/status/1205075820022128640?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1205075820022128640&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg247.com%2F2019%2F12%2F12%2Fp-t-secrets-death-strandings-norman-reedus%2F https://ift.tt/2rETwyu Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Modder finds out that you were playing as Norman Reedus from the start in P.T Demo-UNR

https://ift.tt/2LNz3hM https://twitter.com/manfightdragon/status/1205075820022128640?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1205075820022128640&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg247.com%2F2019%2F12%2F12%2Fp-t-secrets-death-strandings-norman-reedus%2F https://ift.tt/34kdT1n Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Made Mikkelsen and Norman Reedus on break after a mocap session-UNR

https://ift.tt/2sfQIHZ https://ift.tt/2sfQIHZ https://ift.tt/2PzGzy0 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus Hints [SPOILER]-UNR

https://ift.tt/2RHlBzH https://ift.tt/2YtIdFi https://ift.tt/36ugQhh Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Monsta X perform for Norman Reedus and Lily-Rose Depp at Chanel party like the rich kings they are-UNR

https://ift.tt/2LZH83d https://ift.tt/2PBiOpe https://ift.tt/2qGDJ1x Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Mads Mikkelsen and Norman Reedus on a break after a mocap session-UNR

https://ift.tt/2sfQIHZ https://ift.tt/2sfQIHZ https://ift.tt/2t2SXi9 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Diane Kruger rocks gold boots as she cuddles up to Norman Reedus at Chanel No. 5 In The Snow party-UNR

https://ift.tt/2LKh6R4 https://ift.tt/2P7tUmJ https://ift.tt/38tqmmo Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

[Image] Mads Mikkelsen and Norman Reedus on a break after a mocap session for Death Stranding-UNR

https://ift.tt/2PaRA9Q https://ift.tt/2PaRA9Q https://ift.tt/2rBDzsJ Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

'Ride With Norman Reedus' é renovado para quinta temporada pelo canal AMC-UNR

https://ift.tt/2PagAOR https://ift.tt/349CUw3 https://ift.tt/2LGanb2 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Ride With Norman Reedus продлили на 5 сезон-UNR

https://ift.tt/2rxZsZV https://ift.tt/2rxZsZV https://ift.tt/2s8Gn0D Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Monday, December 9, 2019

I just hung out with a real life Norman Reedus..... Human beings are amazing.-UNR


Tiny bit of backstory to this --

I just started a new job (my first job actually - at age 28 - but that's a whole nother dramatic story). I'm a home care aide. I decided that the only way my mental health was gonna be able to handle work was gonna be if I was helping people.

So my client tells me last night she's gonna have an overnight guest tonight. A backpacker who hiked all the way from San Diego to Seattle. She's gonna give up her bed for him and sleep in a zero grav chair. This lady has more diagnoses and pain problems than I can even remember and she was willing (no demanded) she give up her bed for him. That alone made me intrigued.

About 20 minutes after he arrived, he asked me if he could tell his story. He turns to me and with the most genuine look and begins to tell me that he's walked more than 5800 miles in the last few years, almost entirely by himself. He's nearly died from flooding, fire, wildlife... he's woken up in a field full of deer protecting him from a roaming mountain lion... he's seen seal pups kiss on the beach as far from him as I was sitting. And most of all, he did this all with fibro myalgia and sometimes can barely move in the morning. He nearly died because he tripped and fell and the weight of his backpack prevented getting him up. If someone hadn't seen him and stopped he'd be dead.

His message in all this is not "fuck it, live your dreams, be strong"... it's to marvel in the kindness that does exist in certain people and return said kindness in spades. The only reason he's alive is because of mutual generosity. Without even asking.

After weeks of playing a game about a man who walks across America to bring people together, I couldn't help but well up a bit around the eyeballs as this dude was telling his story.


Sorry for the tl;dr but I thought the community might enjoy this story. His backpack was about as high and heavy as some of my epic deliveries......

Keep on keeping on <3


https://ift.tt/2LEB4gm Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Do you guys think that Mads Mikkelsen and Norman Reedus would go to the game awards if they won best performance?-UNR


I feel like Mads pretty much has it in the bag, but would he care enough to go to the awards when he’s such an accomplished actor. Norman would go, but I don’t think he’ll win.

https://ift.tt/2E4hp4Y Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

‘Ride With Norman Reedus’ Renewed For Season 5 By AMC-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2DYSj7G Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

This game needs photo mode and new game plus-UNR


Loved the game. The world is beautiful they should really put in a photo mode where you can take selfies of Norman reedus. And a new game plus where the BT's are harder. Would love it, anyone else?

https://ift.tt/2sZl9Tf Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Sam Porter/Norman Reedus - DEATH STRANDING portrait-UNR

https://ift.tt/2qCY9IU https://ift.tt/2qCY9IU https://ift.tt/35e6JNr Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Death Stranding Part 1 | Amazon Prime feat. Norman Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/Wha4hiPGbVM https://ift.tt/2DX85A7 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman reedus talks about working with kojima, mo-cap, Sam's character development, etc.-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/9NZuzAFVffA https://ift.tt/2YqW0fU Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Actors who physically resemble the game characters the most-UNR


I've seen a few people say that certain actors could play characters from the game but I simply don't think there are enough actors who resemble them closely enough or could do them justice in a movie. Saying that though there are some actors who I think very closely resemble some of the games characters:-

Arthur Morgan = Brad Pitt / Rob Lowe - he seems like a mix of these 2 guys



John Marston = Christian Bale / Norman Reedus - again John seems like a mix of these 2 guys



Bill Williamson = Dean S Jagger - He'd have to put on a little bit of weight and have his hairline made to look a bit further back but he looked vey similar to Bill in Game Of Thrones


Sean Maguire = Domhnall Glesson - They look almost identical


Reverend Swanson = William H Macy


Angelo Bronte = David Suchet


Can you think of any others?

https://ift.tt/2Pmdxla Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Rambo Reboot: Norman Reedus-UNR


It came to me in a dream last night. It was a Rambo prequel reboot starring Norman Reedus as Rambo. The film revolved around near future events where a controversial and protracted war was about to begin.

The movie was unfolding as I slept. There were flashbacks to a younger protagonist when he first got into the military, and it was an elegant way of tying things together so you could see how the start of the war evolved and what conflicts were following based on global events. The young Rambo (played by some person I didn't recognize) starts off in a South American conflict but later you see Reedus' Rambo in Eastern Asia after he's become a green beret.

This movie's version of John Rambo has a more calculated character, more like Solid Snake, using far more realistic stealth tactics which creates suspense for the film. Where stealth fails, things tend to go horribly wrong. The plot ends on a bad note when many of his fellow soldiers are killed and the final scenes are of him coming home after being pulled from active service.

It was an entertaining dream and the composition interested me. It broke from many of the bad ass hero film tropes that have come before and as a result felt darker and more realistic. Hollywood has a tendency of ruining potential gold with terrible story, so I would expect this to be butchered if it was ever really picked up.

https://ift.tt/2PjMebe Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Feetus and his amazing Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2DTo5D2 https://ift.tt/2DTo5D2 https://ift.tt/2s5hF0W Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

What kind of male facial aesthetics women favor the most?-UNR


I understand that women, at least when it comes to Caucasian men, prefer the typical soap opera leading actor look: strong defined jawline, broad squarish face, symmetrical traits, preferably dark hair with light eyes. Occasionally I noticed they seem to have a preference for high cheekbones, sometimes associated with squinty eyes.

I was thinking of Ron Moss, the guy from The Bold And The Beautiful, but maybe he's too extreme. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Norman Reedus or Robbie Williams are better examples.

https://ift.tt/2s1rdKz Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Friday, December 6, 2019

[rumor] Konami and Kojima are in talk about Silent Hill, as we speak.-UNR


Konami and Kojima are in talk about Silent Hill, as we speak.

Yes, you heard it right and I'm not cruel enough to play with your heart. I'm leaking it here, despite being a small subreddit, because I respect the community.

Here's what I know for sure :

- I've known since Death Stranding went gold. I've waited to speak because no one would have believed me until some events happened (Kojima speaking about wanting to make an horror game and Imaizumi departure)

- Everything isn't settled yet, but Konami and Kojima are speaking about pre-production stuff, right now. The deal seems to be settled. Konami will land the Silent Hill IP to Kojima production and Kojima production will fund the game on themselves (third-party is helping, Microsoft, Sony or even Steam, but I'm not sure which one). Konami will have a say on the main actor, but that's it, Kojima should get a white card, like originally planned.

- That's the reason behind Kenichiro Imaizumi departure from Kojima Production. He couldn't take working "for" Konami, even if it's from afar. Kojima really want to finish Silent Hill "PT" and think his fans deserve it, even if he has to shallow some of his pride (and he did). Imaizumi went against it as hard as it could, to no avail (fortunately).

- The initial vision of Silent Hill "PT" will be the same, with a different main character (no Norman Reedus). They'll try to get as many famous names as they can in the project.

- Third person. Not an FPS like the teaser was.

- Silent Hill wasn't the reason Kojima had problems with Konami, it was entirely on MGSV.

- It seems Kojima being able to pull out Death Stranding from scratch redeemed him in Konami's eyes. I'm not sure if it was said elsewhere, but Death Stranding is a huge hit worldwide, sales-wise. That might have helped a little too.

It's internet, I wouldn't blame you to not believe what I wrote, but unless something big happen (again), Silent Hill should be announced soon (2020 at the latest, 2019 during TGA if we're lucky)

source: https://www.reddit.com/r/silenthill/comments/e59fpg/konami_and_kojima_are_in_talk_about_silent_hill/

https://ift.tt/2sVVfjn Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

America's now a Monarchy and Norman Reedus's A$$ - Death Stranding pt 3-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1iEAAYJ2_o https://ift.tt/33UxYL9 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Kojima gets some flack for plastering his name everywhere, but not a lot of credit for also putting the names of almost everyone he works with front and center as well-UNR


He's one of the few game/film directors out there who will put the names/songs of the music he uses on-screen, and bill each individual actor for all his characters.

How many of us would know David Hayter, Stefanie Joosten, Low Roar, Silent Poets, Yoji Shinkawa, etc. if Kojima hadn't featured their names so prominently? Even Troy Baker has talked about how thankful he was to Kojima for giving him marquee billing alongside such huge names as Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen.

The games industry used to be notorious for not really crediting its directors/producers in the same way films do, and Kojima was one of the first people to break this along with some others like Sid Meier.

https://ift.tt/38fIkZM Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

DEATH STRANDING MAKING OF Trailer (2019) Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecbbg8tC04M https://ift.tt/2RqTFjw Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Tried to draw norman reedus in death stranding-UNR

https://ift.tt/2Ph1ghZ https://ift.tt/2Ph1ghZ https://ift.tt/2rTYNBZ Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/33PnfS8 https://ift.tt/33PnfS8 https://ift.tt/2sDeCgH Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus and his bike during a mocap session-UNR

https://ift.tt/2OOK0kZ https://ift.tt/2qimQtS https://ift.tt/2Rg4o09 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

"Norman Reedus"-UNR

https://ift.tt/3848Kxb https://ift.tt/3848Kxb https://ift.tt/2YcJ6C6 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Death stranding is Norman Reedus holding a fetus-UNR

https://ift.tt/33NEkMi https://ift.tt/33NEkMi https://ift.tt/2raEEaP Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Konami and Kojima are in talk about Silent Hill, as we speak.-UNR


Yes, you heard it right and I'm not cruel enough to play with your heart. I'm leaking it here, despite being a small subreddit, because I respect the community.

Here's what I know for sure :

- I've known since Death Stranding went gold. I've waited to speak because no one would have believed me until some events happened (Kojima speaking about wanting to make an horror game and Imaizumi departure)

- Everything isn't settled yet, but Konami and Kojima are speaking about pre-production stuff, right now. The deal seems to be settled. Konami will land the Silent Hill IP to Kojima production and Kojima production will fund the game on themselves (third-party is helping, Microsoft, Sony or even Steam, but I'm not sure which one). Konami will have a say on the main actor, but that's it, Kojima should get a white card, like originally planned.

- That's the reason behind Kenichiro Imaizumi departure from Kojima Production. He couldn't take working "for" Konami, even if it's from afar. Kojima really want to finish Silent Hill "PT" and think his fans deserve it, even if he has to shallow some of his pride (and he did). Imaizumi went against it as hard as it could, to no avail (fortunately).

- The initial vision of Silent Hill "PT" will be the same, with a different main character (no Norman Reedus). They'll try to get as many famous names as they can in the project.

- Third person. Not an FPS like the teaser was.

- Silent Hill wasn't the reason Kojima had problems with Konami, it was entirely on MGSV.

- It seems Kojima being able to pull out Death Stranding from scratch redeemed him in Konami's eyes. I'm not sure if it was said elsewhere, but Death Stranding is a huge hit worldwide, sales-wise. That might have helped a little too.

It's internet, I wouldn't blame you to not believe what I wrote, but unless something big happen (again), Silent Hill should be announced soon (2020 at the latest, 2019 during TGA if we're lucky)

https://ift.tt/2OGITUs Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Walking dead funko pop-UNR


Selling my autographed Daryl Dixon funko pop signed by Norman Reedus, and I don’t really know where to post it at for people who genuinely love the show and the actor to see it. I never sell stuff I get autographed and never thought I’d be parting with this one, but personal things have happened recently and I’m selling a lot of my collectibles. :( remove if not allowed.

https://ift.tt/2LaxQks Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Found this bike online and Sam won't stop talking about "Ride with Norman Reedus". I thought it was hilarious as it caught me off guard-UNR

https://ift.tt/2XXJAvM https://ift.tt/2XXJAvM https://ift.tt/2LmPphl Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

All I want for Christmas is a Norman Reedus skin in Days Gone-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J No text found https://ift.tt/2DrLUl8 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Death Stranding - Norman Reedus By Hideo Kojima || Screwing Around-UNR

https://ift.tt/2DwPBGq https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viw57mWzJPg https://ift.tt/37QtPLx Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

I feel like the Modern Day Forrest Gump.-UNR


Growing up as a kid i was pretty slow i would think long and hard before i would do anything. Then later in my teenage years i would be diagnosed with (ADD).

Which explained alot but of course none of the medicine's worked. I just worked really hard and struggled in school 2.0 gpa. But one thing that has always kept me together was the love for music. I worked really hard learning all the genre's of music . Learning the Top 40 or 50 songs for each genre's( by year) also learned how to read people when they are dancing.

I started playing bar gigs/corporate party's by 17 and by 19 somehow got myself a job traveling the United states being a roadie. In this time learned alot about myself, learning new trades and meeting tons of very nice people. Then on the other hand i saw the ugly in people i saw what drugs do to people. I seen people trying to rape people thankful they were safe and didn't get harmed. But at the same time i found a diffrent perspective in the world i realised that nobody is really rich or poor. We all are for the majority for are selfs. On the other hand they're genuinely nice thoughtful people in this world.

The memories I have are out of this world from watching Norman reedus lick a women's face is a top memory haha. Also meeting tons of famous singers/comedians at the hotel's/plane's i was on. MY two favorite people i got to have small conversasions with would have to be Buddy Guy and Matthew Lillard. Shout out to matt for buying me lunch on my flight! He was just like hey man I'm hungry you want some of my food i wont be able to finish it? and i was like yeah sure and he just bought two of the meals and later i thanked him and tryed paying for. but didnt realize it was him til i left the plan heading to my uber and im like to myself holly shit i just had lunch with saggy haha!

I Guess why i wrote this is no matter how mean people are to you. Never stop believing in your self and just be kind to people! -Bluesky

https://ift.tt/2XX3wyS Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

The boys getting recognized by Norman Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2DsDGcx https://mobile.twitter.com/wwwbigbaldhead/status/1200471267322806272 https://ift.tt/35SmKbL Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

"This bike is so fucking cool, I feel like I'm on RIDE with Norman Reedus right now." - Sam-UNR

https://ift.tt/35PjLAS https://ift.tt/35PjLAS https://ift.tt/33y6Wcg Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Ride with Norman Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2R4Lzgu https://ift.tt/2R4Lzgu https://ift.tt/35MIoOk Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Diane Kruger shows rare photo of daughter on vacation with Norman Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2R3wmw7 https://ift.tt/2R17yEL https://ift.tt/2Dw6XD2 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Diane Kruger shows rare photo of daughter on vacation with Norman Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2R3wmw7 https://ift.tt/2R17yEL https://ift.tt/2DvI4aN Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Finally getting my hands on some Norman Reedus fetus. Yaaass.-UNR

https://ift.tt/2L6xB9V https://ift.tt/2L6xB9V https://ift.tt/33yppFG Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

What happened to the monster energy drinks in Death Stranding?-UNR


It's been replaced by some generic drink and there are different animations. I just wanna know the details about why Monster WAS in the game along with another ad for Norman Reedus's show on AMC "Ride", but was taken out and the ad for the show was still left in?

https://ift.tt/2OWBNdj Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Blankies! How are you enjoying Hideo Kojima's blank check Death Stranding?-UNR


I remember it was being brought up before release because of it's crazy cast and it essentially being a blank check video game, of which I can't think of many other examples of such.

I'm still working through it but so far I've (and these aren't really spoilers btw):

-had digital Winding Refn explain pee grenades to me

-taken a shower with del Toro

-watched Lea Seydoux eat A LOT of tardigrade

-witnessed a lot of Mads weirdness

-seen enough half naked Norman Reedus to last a lifetime (no peen tho)

The game is wild and a total masterpiece to me. It's also the perfect game to play while listening to podcasts.

https://ift.tt/2Dv9UDO Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Every time Norman Reedus punches me-UNR

https://ift.tt/2sseyAu https://ift.tt/37NC6zR https://ift.tt/2DtFaDf Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

I had a dream where Norman Reedus was doing a tv show about traveling to different planets to taste the local cuisine.-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J No text found https://ift.tt/2OTYfnv Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Diane Kruger gushes her gratitude for baby girl with beau Norman Reedus in Thanksgiving beach snap-UNR

https://ift.tt/2R3jFBh https://ift.tt/2DmQ3H8 https://ift.tt/2qSK1ew Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus his career before The Walking Dead, and Death Stranding-UNR

https://ift.tt/2OR8au5 https://ift.tt/37NJLhy https://ift.tt/2XUbDfD Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

This is probably a P.T. reference in Death Strandings conclusion-UNR


So I recently completed Death Stranding and it was really good. During the ending I couldn’t help but think that Kohima was trying to reference P.T. In the game the husband kills his wife Lisa who was pregnant. She follows you around throughout the game. At points you find a fetus in a sink. In the backstory explaining Cliffs death during the conclusion, Cliff the father of the fetus who turned out to be Sam, kills his wife who is named Lisa. It’s probably a coincidence but I think it’s interesting. Both games also have Norman Reedus as the main character. And both the gurus and BB don’t seem to die and have powers. Probably just a coincidence but I thinks it’s interesting.

https://ift.tt/2rxqOPC Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

How would you have changed the game, if at all? [POSSIBLE SPOILERS IN COMMENTS]-UNR


Now that the game and the mystery behind it has come and gone, I recently went browsing for all of the “leaks” that came out, and seeing some of them honestly made me wish that we see some type of game (maybe even a sequel or something) attempt these types of ideas presented... One such painted the game as essentially Shadow Of The Colossus-esque game with “Norman Reedus” facing off against the 5 entities in the sky or something like that. Another where we would be hunting other only players in some kind of weird PVP mashup game that couldn’t be farther from the truth of what we actually got.

Granted, I’m still very happy with the game we got (honestly think it’s a masterpiece) but some of the stuff I saw made me wonder... What would it have been like if the game went in these directions?

So now I leave it to you... Do you have any game-changing alternate ideas or theories (either from now or before the game came out) that you would have liked to see pan out with this game?

https://ift.tt/33ursum Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Ride With Norman Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/b-DHlbxFQLA https://ift.tt/2OQ431f Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Death Stranding MoCap sessions with Mads Mikkelsen, Norman Reedus, Lea Seydoux, Troy Baker and Tommie Earl Jenkins-UNR

https://ift.tt/37Dm6R3 https://ift.tt/2XVaGU1 https://ift.tt/2OMympG Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Death Stranding MoCap sessions with Mads Mikkelsen, Norman Reedus, Lea Seydoux, Troy Baker and Tommie Earl Jenkins-UNR

https://ift.tt/37Dm6R3 https://ift.tt/2XVaGU1 https://ift.tt/2L0oaZo Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Death Stranding MoCap sessions with Mads Mikkelsen, Norman Reedus, Lea Seydoux, Troy Baker and Tommie Earl Jenkins-UNR

https://ift.tt/37Dm6R3 https://ift.tt/2XVaGU1 https://ift.tt/2pVX5zl Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

[Video] Death Stranding MoCap sessions with Mads Mikkelsen, Norman Reedus, Lea Seydoux, Troy Baker and Tommie Earl Jenkins-UNR

https://ift.tt/2ORz58V https://ift.tt/2XRv74g https://ift.tt/2OPhj6u Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Keanu Reeves vs. Norman Reedus-UNR


Why not?

https://ift.tt/33sxZ8U Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

look at norman reedus drinking monster energy-UNR

https://ift.tt/2QSinJr https://ift.tt/2QSinJr https://ift.tt/2OIGF5G Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

'A Walking Reunion in England' Talked About Scene Ep. 301 | Ride with Norman Reedus-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/hdOtVJhaDhg https://ift.tt/2KZLuqt Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

NPC Casting Couch: Curse of the Crimson Throne-UNR


I'm in the very early stages of prep for a second run through CotCT (this time with the shiny hardcover) and I want to make the npc's really stick out by casting them with the likenesses of various celebrities. I've thought up a few already, but I'm interested to hear what other people can come up with. Here's what I've got so far...

.Shadowcount Sial= Mads Mikkelsen

.Vencarlo Orisini= current age Antonio Banderas

.Sabina Merrin= Scarlett Johannson

.Rolth= Norman Reedus

.Kazavon= Mandy Patinkin (as Inigo Montoya in Princess Bride)

.Gaedren Lamm= David Bradley

.Grau Soldado= Kit Harington

.Verik Vancaskerkin= a young Hugo Weaving

https://ift.tt/34pEpH7 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Thanks to Death Stranding thousands of people will be able to easily remember the actor who played Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead because Norman Reedus rhymes with pickled fetus.-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J No text found https://ift.tt/2OLU4Kz Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Any of ya'll play that Kojima flex starring Norman Reedus as a surrogate mother working for the Eldritch Postal Service?-UNR


Co starring the Amazing Fetus!!

Is it good?

https://ift.tt/2OkfsYf Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

was looking at Norman Reedus' film history after seeing him in death stranding. I guess he's at least 100 then.-UNR

https://ift.tt/2rvTCYB https://ift.tt/2rvTCYB https://ift.tt/2XVsA9u Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Shout out to Margaret Qualley-UNR


Am i mistaken that she might have the most dialogue (next to Die Hard Man) in this whole game? She is low-key carrying this game (also with her emotional range), she does the briefings, she has some wacky lines at the hot spring (Kojima you dog), she does the dramatic acting (the plot with Lockne), that story she told when you carried her to Mount Knot City. Norman Reedus gets too much credit, he's basically mute half of the time.

She is having one hell of a year with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Death Stranding

https://ift.tt/35Bu37i Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Monday, November 25, 2019

norman reedus is monky gang confirmed??-UNR

https://ift.tt/34o2OwM https://ift.tt/34o2OwM https://ift.tt/35xq37P Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Unpopular Opinion-UNR


Sam, and Norman Reedus, are both fucking amazing... but Hartman is the best character in the whole game. Seriously his backstory was amazing, his voice acting was incredible, and the fact he is doomed to walk the beach forever is just damn sad. Anyone agree?

https://ift.tt/37yxgGx Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus And The funky Feetus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2qNCEFl https://ift.tt/2qNCEFl https://ift.tt/2OVXf2r Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

norman reedus and the funky fetus-UNR

https://ift.tt/34oeRdO https://ift.tt/34oeRdO https://ift.tt/35AfrFt Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Norman Reedus and the Funky Fetus-UNR

https://ift.tt/2Dedt1g https://ift.tt/2Dedt1g https://ift.tt/2DceDuj Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

Death Stranding | AMC's Ride w/ Norman Reedus, a Fetus, and a few ladders vs a floating truck.-UNR

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://youtu.be/kypqPceKvl0?t=7 https://ift.tt/2QOI6T4 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

[Endgame] Making sense of Kojima's message to the world-UNR


SPOILER WARNING: this is my take on Kojima's message, meant for those who have completed the game and are interested in discussing what it's about. Don't read this yet if you're still finishing the game.

TLDR; Death Stranding is a wake-up call to humanity

The events of the Death Stranding signify the arrival of video games as works of art that ought to be reckoned with on their own terms. Death Stranding is not a book or a film, but something new. Hideo Kojima has stated that its main theme is the importance of connecting with others1. Though his latest work has critics divided, one thing is clear: Kojima has a deeper message for us, if we can decipher it. What follows is not a review of whether the game is good, but rather a discussion of what Kojima is trying to say - his vision of the future, humanity, and a warning of the danger that lies ahead.

Death Stranding has been described as a "mess"2. It is huge, elaborate, and almost reckless in its ambition. But the word "mess" suggests a lack of intention, and this could not be further from the truth. Instead, Death Stranding is the pure expression of one creator's intent. Kojima imagines a future where humanity is connected on a global scale by a fully automated delivery network, then subsequently fragmented by an annihilation event. By placing us in a post-apocalyptic world where internet connectivity and delivery optimization have accelerated to their logical ends and beyond, Kojima invites the player to reflect on these real-world trends today and how they are changing us.

Early on in the game, Die-Hardman reminds us "there's no such thing as a free lunch. Connectivity and convenience have to come at a price."3 While Kojima asks us to consider the cost of modern technology, he does not completely reject the spread of the internet or the convenience of online services. In our own increasingly connected world, participation is not optional, and Kojima is by no means suggesting that we go back. Instead, mirroring his signature game design, he is alerting us that we are in dangerous territory and encouraging us to proceed mindfully.

Kojima has called out social media for causing people to "wear a mask, saying whatever they want"4 without considering others. While this fits into the theme of forging connections with others, it only scratches the surface of what Death Stranding stands to reveal. Modern technology is fundamentally changing us in ways we do not understand: not just in how we treat each other on Twitter, but in our conception of humanity itself.

Episode 1: The Man Who Turned Into A Stick

The "rope," along with the "stick," are two of mankind's oldest tools.

The stick to keep the bad away, the rope used to bring the good toward us.

They were our first friends, of our own invention.

Wherever there were people, there were the rope and the stick.

- From Kobo Abe's "Nawa"

Let's start with a big question: what does it mean to be human? This may seem a lofty question to ask, but luckily Kojima doesn't make us look far for his answer. The game opens with a quotation from the writer Kobo Abe, which provides a good start. "Wherever there were people," Abe writes, "there were the rope and the stick." Our humanity was first defined by our ability to take objects in the world and use them to achieve our aims. In other words, we use tools. Many animals have desires or fears. But humans use the stick and the rope, to keep bad away and bring good toward us, as means to serve our aims. To be human is to be, at the very least, a tool user.

For Abe, the stick is the original tool, the first invention of humanity. Kojima has said that "the stick and the rope formed the basis of our culture and civilization as early human beings." Entire ages in human history are defined by the material of our tools: stone, bronze, iron. But of course, human beings are not the only form of life to use tools. What makes us uniquely human must be something more, not just the fact that we use tools, but something in the way we relate to those tools.

Kojima imagines the first moment a human used a tool when he discusses the theme of hands in Death Stranding:

If you go back to the time of early humans, when we first started using sticks as tools - you grab the stick with your hand. [...] Next came the rope and you hold this with your hands too. [...] Hands are iconic. You can shake hands, but you can also make a fist, which is the hand acting like a stick. But then you could also kind of grab something and pull it towards you, which is the hand acting as a rope.5

The hand is the original point of contact between human and tool: between life, with its own aims, and stick, an object defined by its usefulness. More importantly, the hand is the point where the boundary between human and tool begins to blur. As soon as we grabbed the first stick with our hands, we also understood how to manipulate our hands into all sorts of tools. The hand is where we, as human beings, start to become the tool.

If this thought experiment represents the beginning of humanity's exposure to tools, then in many ways the world of Death Stranding takes this transformation to an extreme end. It is a world where human beings are treated as objects, valued only for their usefulness to others. Sam Porter is literally named by his profession, as are all the characters we meet throughout the game: the Engineer, the Photographer, the Craftsman, etc. Indeed our world is much the same. Will Smith, Harry Potter, and Lil Wayne all have surnames originally based on occupations. When we think of our own identities, we think of our professions and the value we produce - our usefulness to society.

At one juncture in the game, we meet the Geologist, a scientist so dedicated to his work that he develops a deadly illness from chiralium exposure. When we deliver the medication he needs, he rejoices at being able to continue his study without any concern for his own mortality: "Dying's not an option. My research is nowhere near complete. It's not just my life you're saving here, it's my life's work."6 He can only understand his own worth through his work, his legacy through his contribution to science. He has no name; he is simply the Geologist. He is, in essence, a tool. He has become a stick.

Kojima cites The Man Who Turned Into A Stick, another work by Abe, as inspiration for Death Stranding7. In this absurdist play, two agents from hell arrive on earth to collect the soul of a dead man, acting as a Corpse Disposal Team of sorts. The dead man takes the form of a stick, worn down by years of use and crusted with the grease of human hands. After a lifetime of being employed and used by others, the man has finally transformed into a literal stick. The agents find the stick has been picked up by a boy, who agrees to sell it to them. The agents respond: "You may imagine you've struck a clever bargain, but one of these days you'll find out. It wasn't just a stick you sold, but yourself."8

The Man Who Turned Into A Stick is meant to represent death. There are two deaths in this play. The first is the death of the man who turned into a stick. His death is not only the end of his life, but the end of his individual humanity. He has become a tool. The second death is even more tragic. It is the end of our collective humanity, our capacity for seeing the lives of others as anything more than tools. The man has already turned into a tool. But when the boy agrees to sell him, the stick becomes something else: it has become a commodity, something that can be bought and sold. This transaction marks the commodification of human life itself.

There is a sad irony in the slow descent of humanity envisioned by Abe and Kojima. What began with the basic desire to further human aims has in turn resulted in a loss of humanity, perpetrated by human beings against ourselves. In the half-century that has passed between the work of Abe and Kojima, modern technology has only accelerated this self-inflicted loss. Today, the flow of goods and services has become such a well-greased machine that it is easier than ever to disregard the human beings that power our economy. Kojima intends for Death Stranding to remind us of what has been forgotten:

Now everything is online. You just press a button and items are delivered to you, either by a drone or by a person. But the delivery still happens physically. I wanted people to think about the impact of delivering something from A to B. There is a person carrying that weight, someone you don't see. I wanted people to think about that while playing the game.9

Inspired by Abe's work, Kojima is restating the problem of the commodification of human life under the new context of modern technological society. In an age where the gig economy continues to bring down the cost of human labor, Abe's nightmarish foresight should be more relevant than ever.

We've come this far to state the problem. The question remains: how to move forward? In Death Stranding, Kojima not only calls our attention to the growing danger of modern technology. He also provides a framework for us to meet the challenge ahead. How can we evolve in our technological capacity on one hand, without losing sight of our humanity on the other? To understand Kojima's answer, we must first understand the baby.

Episode 2: Chirality

With chirality, if you put your hand in front of a mirror it may seem like the two images match but in reality they're asymmetric. This chiral philosophy is a theme of Death Stranding.

- Hideo Kojima

Chirality is a type of symmetry, referring to a shape that is not superimposable on its mirror image. The most commonplace example of this symmetry is found in human hands. Hands are mirror images of each other, but you can't superimpose them. More broadly, chirality refers to the duality of two parts that are mutually necessary, yet distinct. For example, Kojima has mentioned the chiral duality between the living and the dead in Death Stranding: "The world of the dead and the world of the living don't fit together and a 'voidout' happens when they connect."10 Death Stranding is not about a conflict between living and dead; instead, it is about restoring balance to both sides of this chiral duality.

Similarly, there is a chiral duality between the two notions of humanity that have arisen thus far: 1) human life as its own end and 2) human life as service to others. Today this balance has been tipped far to one side, and we increasingly see each other only as tools. In the spirit of chirality, Kojima does not flat out reject the transformative influences of modern technology - the multiplayer component of Death Stranding, for instance, encourages the player to consider how to be useful to others. Instead he challenges the player throughout the game to find and maintain a balance between these two sides of humanity, much like how we must vigilantly keep Sam's cargo from tipping over. Kojima issues this challenge to us through the unifying theme across the game's mechanics and story: the baby.

The baby is the first item in the game. In many ways, it is no different from any other equipment we use in the game: an object that serves a purpose, loses durability over time, and is eventually discarded. The mechanics of the game treat the baby as a tool. In the story, it isn't long before Deadman pushes us to incinerate the baby, once it is no longer deemed useful.

"But it's still alive."11 Sam's terse response in the first chapter of the game is enough to capture why he is the hero of Death Stranding. He understands from the very beginning that no matter where this baby came from, no matter what it may be used for, it is a human life that counts. Like us, Sam lives in a world that is constantly telling him that human life is only worth its usefulness to others. BB technology, once the result of controversial child experimentation, has become an accepted fact of life. Deadman is quick to remind us: "You should remember that BBs are just equipment. Try not to get attached."12

Kojima dares us not to get attached because he knows it is not possible. For this reason Death Stranding remains, at its core, a work of optimism. Despite the grave danger posed by modern technology, Kojima's belief in humanity to recognize the value of Lou's life is unshakeable. He refuses to believe that you can play this game and not develop an attachment for her.

The gameplay and the narrative of Death Stranding work together in chiral duality to create a constant tension between Lou's value as a tool and her value as a human life. This tension forms the crux of Kojima's challenge to the player: daring us to dehumanize the baby and then reminding us that as human beings we cannot. It is experienced firsthand through the gameplay, but ultimately resolved by the final developments of the plot.

As the story unfolds, we come to understand the deep trauma that Sam suffers from the horrifying origins of his life. Sam is the definition of damaged goods. Like the stick, he has been worn down by a lifetime of deliveries, covered in the black tar of ghostly hands. Sam has been used his whole life. But despite losing his parents at birth; despite being raised under a lie by the woman who killed them; and despite being alive only because of the mercy of that woman, Sam cannot lose sight of the value of human life. On the beach, Amelie tells Sam that the Last Stranding is inevitable, and that extinction is only a matter of time. But Sam still asks her to spare humanity, because human life counts. All life expires, but life is valuable nonetheless and what we do in life matters.

Sam's worth has never been recognized beyond his value as a tool, whether as the original BB in his infancy or as a porter later in life. His world has treated his life as a commodity with casual indifference, and given him every reason to do the same to the baby. But from beginning to end, Sam refuses to give up on Lou's intrinsic human worth. He understands that giving up on the humanity of one life is the start of a slippery slope that ends with a loss of humanity for all. By taking Lou out of the tank, Sam chooses to end this cycle. Through his love for the baby, Sam finds balance between his own life as service to others, and Lou's life as an end itself. In the words of Clifford Unger, Lou becomes Sam's "bridge to the future", just as Sam is Clifford's bridge to Lou.

At the end of Death Stranding, we discover the truth about Clifford and the terrible choices he was forced to make. In his dying moment, we learn the one thing he could not accept: for his son to live life as a tool. Like Solid Snake, Clifford saw himself as a lifelong military man who made a career out of violently furthering the aims of others: "Dividing people was the only thing I was ever good at." But he dreamed of a different life for his son. His message to Sam is also Kojima's message to the player: "Don't make the same mistake. Be yourself... Be free."13

Episode 3: Kojima As Prophet

Once there was an explosion. A bang which gave birth to time and space.

Once there was an explosion. A bang which set a planet spinning in that space.

Once there was an explosion. A bang which gave rise to life as we know it.

And then came the next explosion. An explosion that will be our last.

In the opening of Death Stranding, Norman Reedus describes four explosions. The explosions of the past are beginnings. The first is the Big Bang, the birth of the universe. The second is the supernova that triggered the formation of our solar system. The third is the Cambrian explosion, a period during which almost all present forms of life appeared. In the game, the fourth explosion is the Last Stranding. It is not the fourth beginning, but rather the sixth extinction event. The world of Death Stranding is a failed future. But for us, the next explosion represents, in Amelie's words, an opportunity14.

In Death Stranding, the next explosion is supernatural. In our world today, it is technological. We live in the computer age, a technological explosion that has given rise to the internet and modern online services. In the future of Death Stranding, the world is connected by delivery networks, automated to such a degree of efficiency that war and famine are no longer pressing concerns15. Technology was created to achieve human aims - to connect us, to provide for our needs. Kojima now asks us to look beyond. When the aim has been achieved, what becomes of the tool? What becomes of us?

In the game, Die-Hardman describes humanity's inability to evolve past this milestone:

The whole [network] was automated - AI-managed, deliveries carried out by drone. The belief was that taking people out of the equation would revolutionize the whole system... but things didn't quite pan out that way. Instead, we started seeing cases of what would eventually be dubbed "drone syndrome." It was too much for some folks to accept, leaving everything to machines and nothing for the common man. And indeed, the oxytocin deficiency and hormonal imbalances we confirmed seemed to back up that assessment. Humanity needed to be part of the process. So laws were put in place, and we stepped back into the picture again.16

People in the world of Death Stranding were unable to imagine their own value as anything more than a tool to be used or a commodity to be bought and sold. Through his vision of dystopia, Kojima issues a challenge to our own world: can we envision our humanity as something new, something more?

From the first time a human being picked up a stick to the present-day internet era, humanity has walked a long road of continuous improvement to our tools and technology. Along the way, we've encountered the imminent and growing danger of ourselves becoming those tools and dehumanizing each other as trade-able commodities. But we are nevertheless approaching a day when automation may provide for the basic necessities of life. Death Stranding is a wake-up call to humanity: the next explosion is here. We are nearing the end of the line, and it's time to start thinking about what's next.

Kojima is thus acting as a sort of prophet. Death Stranding reveals the dehumanizing danger of modern technology and gives us the framework of chiral duality to understand its impact on our humanity. But ultimately, it asks us to look far into the future and understand that the next explosion can be a new beginning, if we allow our humanity to evolve. To this end, Kojima doesn't tell us what's next. He leaves that to the player, asking only that we do not limit ourselves. As Amelie says to Sam on the Beach:

I had so many dreams of the future. I didn't know which ones to trust. Which is why I decided to share them with you and the others. But, to connect the dots, to make sense of everything, you need perspective. You need time. [...] All I could do was just show you the choices, and let you decide.17

Extinction events are inevitable. That we must work together to survive them is an obvious truth. The deeper message of Death Stranding is a warning not to lose our humanity along the way, and an open-ended call to boldly reimagine our humanity looking forward. It is a scathing rejection of the ease with which we have commodified each other in the present day. It is a defiant reaffirmation of human life; a reminder of why we set down this long path in the first place.

[1]: Kojima-san's Twitter

[2]: GQ and Kotaku

[3]: The Symbiotic Surveillance Society

[4]: Washington Post

[5]: Playstation Access

[6]: Episode 8, Order No. 58

[7]: IGN

[8]: The Man Who Turned Into A Stick, p. 8

[9]: Playstation Access

[10]: Playstation Access

[11]: Episode 1, Order No. 3

[12]: Episode 2, Order No. 5

[13]: Episode 14

[14]: Episode 13, Order No. 69

[15]: Humanity's Biggest Problem? Logistics

[16]: MULEs and Drone Syndrome

[17]: Episode 13, Order No. 69

https://ift.tt/37AcGWv Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.