Friday, December 8, 2017

Death Stranding Theory: Irreality pollution.-UNR

TL;DR: Reality breaking resource brought golden age of energy and technology at the cost of irreality pollution. Excess caused irreality global warming.

My current guess is that Death Stranding is about supernatural/extradimensional resources, technology, and pollution.

At some point someone discovered a dimension or resource that produced tons of energy or facilitated technological advancements. Babies are required to gather and/or manipulate the resource. Using this resource allowed for deliberate breaks of reality and from that miracles. Faster transportation, cheaper construction, massive energy, and of course, better weapons.

The only problem is use of this resource caused a kind of reality pollution. Polluted areas and creatures would be surreal, incomprehensible and unpredictable. But as bad as that sounds it was actually pretty manageable, especially considering the rewards, at least until at first.

To remain competitive nations exploited the irreality resource increasingly recklessly. increasingly unnecessary, inefficient, and irresponsible use of irreality became common. By the time it became the new face of war catastrophe was probably already unavoidable, weapons just added a new layer of horror to the inevitable price of excess.

In the time the plot starts that's the past, the world is currently in a state of a kind of irreality global warming. Large portions of the world are extremely dangerous or uninhabitable. Autonomous weapons from dead nations are uncontainable. Fallout from irreality bombs causes drifting clouds of dangerous surreal shit. Countryside is dangerous so most of humanity is clustered in cities. Irreality use is curbed, but now so necessary to stop using it would cause collapse of what's left of civilization.

Enter Norman Reedus. Good luck buddy. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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