Friday, December 8, 2017

A theory after the latest trailer, particularly about the babiez-UNR

I apologize in advance if anything I'm about to say has already been said elsewhere.

My theory for part of the plot is as follows:

The Big Bang occurred, which created life on Earth. It didn't happen immediately, but gradually over time. This second bang has now happened and is responsible for creating "death" on Earth, which obviously existed before, but now it's here in a new physical representation. This too, is happening gradually over time.

Years later, the Earth is a post-apocalyptic environment consisting of "alive" areas and "dead" areas, maybe even with some overlap. In order for a living creature (humans) to enter these "dead" areas and not decay immediately, they have to have a baby attached to them via this mechanical umbilical cord. (Insert symbolism for babies = life, adults give life to babies and now the inverse is true, etc...) Norman has his internal baby, crushed car dude has a crushed tank and dies, panic shoot face guy takes off his tank and dies, and Del Toro is carrying one in the previous trailer. Additionally, the babies could be a power source. Either way, I think there is a finite amount of babies left in the world and it's a risky trade-off because we're using the literal future of humanity, to attempt to save the future of humanity. (Insert possible fossil fuel allegory.)

Now, from a mechanic and gameplay standpoint, it would be a heavy commitment to require Norman Reedus/Sam (the character controlled player) to have to carry around a baby tank at all times. I'm sure there'll be a plot justification, but I think they sidestepped this by having the required baby implanted within. In the first trailer, we see the scar, and him being entirely naked in the "dead" world, but still unaffected because he has that internal baby. (That other baby he cries over, I think is just another baby that's died, and not the one inside of him.)

I also think there's something to the idea of if you get killed by a "dead world" creature, you're stuck in a perpetual dying state, hence that one guy's panic to kill himself before he got sucked away.

I feel like all this will just be the backdrop of which the actual story is told. I have absolutely zero guesses on Mads, GDT, floating 5 guys, Bridges, gold face bro, or almost anything else.

Edit: changed wording for better clarity. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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